34 Years without warfarin

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Doctors in Turkey just reported in the International Journal of Cardiology that a person they treated has had a Starr-Edwards valve aortic for 34 years and has never taken warfarin.
Do we know if they tested this patient's INR? Maybe he/she had some type of diet that included a natural AC?

Otherwise - I guess this might make us a little more comfortable should we end up on our desert island.;) :D ;)
I don't have access to the entire article, so all I know is what I put up.
Karlynn said:
I hope they're running extensive tests on that persons blood!

I think if I had gone 34 years without warfarin without a problem I would not even think about starting the drug. For some reason that person's system must not have interpretted the presence of the valve as being "foreign". It sure would be nice if a simple test could be done to determine if someone was not at risk of a valve clotting problem and warfarin could be side-stepped. Talk about the best of both worlds! No warfarin.....no re-op!
Gina mentioned a concern that I have -- what if you ended up on a deserted island (or a hot, desert island) -- How long would we survive w/out Warfarin?

I knew I'd be out fairly late Fri. night, so I brought my nightly 9:30 p.m. dosage of Warfarin & baby asperin just in case.

Do you keep Coumadin/Warfarin in your car (what about excessive heat)? On your person? Anywhere outside of your home because YOU might not last 34 years without it?????

Just a thought
I remember my surgeon post op telling me a blood clot forming on the aortic valve is as difficult as paper clotting on a flushing toilet. Nice analogy! However it stuck.

My cardiologist is much more cautious and I doubt I will test my luck otherwise. ;)
INRtest said:
Gina mentioned a concern that I have -- what if you ended up on a deserted island (or a hot, desert island) -- How long would we survive w/out Warfarin?

I knew I'd be out fairly late Fri. night, so I brought my nightly 9:30 p.m. dosage of Warfarin & baby asperin just in case.

Do you keep Coumadin/Warfarin in your car (what about excessive heat)? On your person? Anywhere outside of your home because YOU might not last 34 years without it?????

Just a thought

I try to take my coumadin around the same time every day and I do have a pill box I take with me. However, I carry a big purse so there is room for the box.

If, for some reason, I go out and cannot carry the pillbox (tiny or no purse, etc.), I usually just take the pills either before I leave home or after I get home. A few hours, now and then, should not matter.


my father takes medication for epilepsy. He carries extra pills "just in case" in a beautiful little stainless steel pill box that screws shut and has a gasket, and attaches it his keychain. It's a bit heavy for my taste, but very stylish.

This site has something like it:
Joann had 2 of the Starr Edwards for 28 years. The stiching failed and caused a stroke with NO residual damage. They were the ONLY early valve that had long term success. They were loud, but they sure did work miracles!

Joann ALWAYS takes her coumadin in the evening and is VERY particular about diet, medication, etc. This December she will have had her 2 valves for 35 years. Only RCB has had valves for a longer time. Joann is fortunate to have had many quality years.

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