Sheila2Old On The Other Side

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Chillin, just chillin....
Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2005
South Carolina
Just wanted to let everyone know that I heard from Sheila's husband and she is in recovery. She went in around 11:00am and was out around 4:00pm.
All is reported to have gone well. Both mitral and aortic valves were replaced. Mechanical. We did not get to speak long as he was being called into the recovery room.

I will update you with any news I may receive.

Thanks cooker

Thanks cooker

for the update on Shelia..Please let us know if you hear anything more..Bonnie
Great news. Wow only a 5 hour operation for 2 valves, to think mine took 8 for aorta and valve! Lets see when she wakes up! I came out around 5 pm woke up around 2:30am the next morning in ICU. Had me in a room by 6am
Great news and certainly a relatively quick surgery for what was done. Looking forward to hearing more.

Thanks for the update.
Thanks for posting such great news, Cooker and be sure to give them our best wishes.
Thanks for the update! Continuing good thoughts for a healthy, speedy recovery! :D

Debi (debster913)
FAbulous news!!!!

FAbulous news!!!!

yhsnkd..............oops! There we go.............I was so excited I got my fingers on the keyboard wrong. :eek: Thanks so much for updating us. Those double valve jobs make us antsy. Send our love and prayers. Hugs. J.
Glad To Hear It!!!!

Glad To Hear It!!!!

Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!!
Thanks Cooker for passing the good news along. If you get a chance, please relay my best wishes for a quick return home.
That is great news... It always puts a smile on my face to hear good news:)
StretchL said:
Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!! Glad to hear it!!!
Wow.. that was a fast surgery for 2 valves!! GREat News.. NOw lets just pray her recovery goes as well:)
Thanks for the update!
Way to go!!!!

Way to go!!!!

Sheila - prayers and best wishes for the best boring recovery!!! Take care of yourself!!
Great News!! Thanks for letting us know cooker. I was wondering how things were going for her. Send her our prayers. Will be looking for updates!
Hello Everyone,

I just got off the phone with Sheila's husband. She is off of the vent and will be moved to a private room today. She had two valves replaced with no repair needed on the third. There was less scar tissue than thought so less time was needed.

I will update as I get more information.


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