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Hi everyone,
It's been a while since I posted. I have been so busy. My daughter started the first grade and I teach in a cooperative pre-school for my 4 year old. My son turned two the other day. I can't believe it. He is normally so mild mannered and sweet, but right on cue, a couple days before his birthday he started getting sassy and copping an attitude. Now he screaches "NO!" a hundred times a day. My heart still melts when he gives me one of his slobbery kisses or a snuggles in my lap for a book. It's so good to be alive and share these everyday moments with my kids.
In a couple weeks it will be my 6 month surgery anniversary. I am feeling grrrreat. My incision still bothers me though. It's sore at night and I hate it when my kids rest their head on my chest. I feel like I can feel the wires in my chest it creeps me out and feels uncomfortable. Does the incision ever feel completely normal or is it always a little sore?
I have enjoyed catching up on everyone's posts. I am so sorry to hear about Joe and Ross's son. I am pulling for all of you!


Its good to see you post again as you are now finding for most us life does go back to normal. I am now almost 2 years post surgery and my incision feels normal most of the time. It is only the top 25mm (1 inch) that can feel a little strange when pressure is applied to it such as when leaning against a hard object. :)
Hi Janea.. :)

So good to see you and hear your positive report!
Life does get better doesn't it? I can remember wondering if I would ever feel ok again!

Sounds like your 2 y/o is 2:p
How does your dd like school?
Hope you have a great year..and Happy 6mo anniversary!!
It's good to hear from yo Janea. I'm glad ou are feeling well enough to be so busy. Someone told me one time was the the 2's were God's way of preparing us for teenagers.:)
those terrible twos - I remember them well. One of you will get over it, tho.

your incision - the flesh part - will get fine. It's the boney part that remains tender - Mine still is after nearly 7 yrs. When my cat steps on it - oooh.

glad to see you.
Thanks for the feedback. About the incision...I am glad to hear that eventually it does feel close to normal. I think my incision is so ugly and can't wait for it to turn white.

Marky, Yes, my daughter did like school. It was much better than going to kindergarten which involved a month of crying and anger at the world (from my daughter, not me!!:D ) My favorite part is not having to pick her up in 2 1/2 hours! That half day kindergarten is a killer!

Karylnn, I have always wondered that about two year olds and teenagers. Did you find that your kids which were the most defiant two year olds were also the most defiant teenagers or is that a bunch of hog wash?
Great to hear from you, Janea!!!

I know how two-year-olds can be, though I don't have kids myself, but I'm a teacher, too, and just started back at work two weeks ago. What a relief/stress/challenge to resume "life as normal"! I teach high school and have had to "squash" attitudes before they get out of control. Kids love to test their teachers the first few weeks...I'm sure you know that with the age group you work with, too.

Congrats on your upcoming 6-month anniversary! :D :cool:

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