MelissaM asked that question so I'm going to give my answer in a new thread so as not to hijack the "Married How Long".
At my house, my hubby and I are both Leo's and that is a nightmare sometimes! 2 big cats in one house can be interesting at times!
But, and that is a BIG but, we are 2 different types of cats, he is the strong, silent, I rule this jungle type of cat and I'm the hiss, claw & spit kind! He's very slow to anger and I'm quick to get fired up!
In 24 years of being together (almost 22 married), I've only seen him angry maybe 6 times. He used to love to 'punch my buttons' to watch me go off about silly things.
Thankfully he don't do that anymore!
Saying all of that, he is my ROCK! When I get upset, excited, frustrated or whatever and go off into outer space about things, he pulls me back down to earth and gives me a solid place to land.
When he is deployed to Iraq or wherever, I'm struggling to keep grounded and maintain things, so I miss him terribly. When I'm drowning in things, he is also my ROCK to pull me back up!
The man is truly amazing in so many ways and the best way is that he puts up with me and is always willing to pull me back in and give me a place to rest when life throws me a ball to bounce with!
If in the future anyone sees me 'complain' about his stubbornness, please direct me back to this post?!!
And Thanks MelissaM for making me stop to appreciate my marriage and my hubby this morning.......I was kinda needing it if you know what I mean? 
At my house, my hubby and I are both Leo's and that is a nightmare sometimes! 2 big cats in one house can be interesting at times!
Saying all of that, he is my ROCK! When I get upset, excited, frustrated or whatever and go off into outer space about things, he pulls me back down to earth and gives me a solid place to land.
The man is truly amazing in so many ways and the best way is that he puts up with me and is always willing to pull me back in and give me a place to rest when life throws me a ball to bounce with!
If in the future anyone sees me 'complain' about his stubbornness, please direct me back to this post?!!