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Hi everyone out there,
I've recently had an angiogram(cardio catherisation) and the results contain some very strange terms. Can anyone help me to understand them?
Paul Hughes
Thanks for the interest shown. Here is a list of the bits I'm struggling with.
1-a dilated left ventricle with poor function, overall ejection fraction of about 30% and extensive apical akinesis.
2-toally occluded circumflex with some retrograde filling of the distal marginal branch.
3-The LAD itself was free of any significant disease in the main vessel but there was a lesion in the mid vessel and stenoses affecting the diagonal artery and intermediate arteries.
4-In the LAD there was also distal disease.
5-The right coronary was occluded and there was filling of the distal vessel via the collaterals from the septum.
6-he appears to have an atrial septal defect with a left to right shunt of 1.4:1. The right heart catheters passed easily into the left atrium.
That's it. Please help if you can.
Paul Hughes
Not until you tell us what they are. :D

Our members have been through just about everything heart related so I'm sure someone will know about whatever your report says.

Did you get a copy of the catheterizaiton report?
It's always wise to have copies of all you tests so that you can track the results and watch for changes.

'AL Capshaw'
Hello and welcome to the board that I recently found myself and it's been wonderful!! Post your questions and they will be answered many times over by several people! Everyone here has been through the same thing in one way or another or they are awaiting the same things. Each case is different but oh so similar at the same time! I posted my questions too and got quick wonderful answers.....this is a great place that you have come to!:D

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