Thank you all so much for the empathy............
Thank you all so much for the empathy............
and the laughs. I desperately needed them. To top off my frustration, I am really concerned about Katie's heart rate dropping so low at night and am trying to fight off that prickly little fear that keeps creeping up my spine........sigh! Hope all my worry is for nothing, but you know that damn momma's intuition.................
Marky, nope, a military man ask for directions????

Just give him a grid coordinate and a map and we'll take ten hours to make a five hour trip!
Ross, you got it! Just give me the date and the time. heehee! Payback time!
Terry, in this case, it IS a guy thing. Our new PC is blonde and very well endowed. I think Don just stands there drooling, babbling like an idiot, and can't remember his own name, much less the questions I want answers to.

I find this so hard to comprehend when he has
me here at home.........heehee!
Al, you got it. I used to take my little spiral notebook filled with my two pages of questions and did not leave until I had every last one of them answered. The doctor may move toward the door, but I don't budge until I've got my answers. I will check with our primary, but I need answers sooner than she will get that letter, but great idea. Oh, and don't be afraid of wild women in Texas (those were my younger days

), just M&Ms or POWs ( mad mommas or pissed off wives...........heehee! take your pick!)
Danny, oh, did you get that snapshot of Don or is that a self-portrait...........can't tell from that angle............heehee!

Oh, and if that is a self-portrait, it is perfectly safe to walk in Texas - you got all the bases covered, so to speak!
Many hugs to you all and thanks again. Will let you know how this evolves. J.