Harrybaby666 said:
What bother's me is that the hospital told me that I couldn't stay the night as the insurance wouldn't cover it, but yet they would not let me go unless I had someone to bring me home and I wasn't going to drive.
Heh ... gotta love irony, doncha? Irony rocks

Frankly, if they tried to pull that on me, I'd be asking them if Chevrolet was making my car right now ... if they said yes, I'd leave and ask them never to speak to me again

. He he he
Well, OK, not really ... but sometimes....well, yeah.
Anyway, Harry, sorry this experience has been rough for you all the way around. The guy who owns the garage where my older 4 MCs are stored was in the hospital a couple weekends ago with virtually the same thing. They put a stint in him, too. But, the doctor he saw in the follow-up appointment told him he would've gone ahead and grab the sucker and got it out ... instead of going up there with a stint. SSSSSooo...he has an appointment for later this month (iirc) to get it taken out....
Thoughts/prayers coming your way, Harry.
Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker
MC:family.IL.guide.future =
chdQB =
"Surely this can be explained" ... Lonestar ... 'No News'