Ross said:I'm concerned. Did they release her or keep her and if released, did they give her lovenox or some other injectible anticoagulant to use until her INR is in range? If not, get on the phone and demand it!!!! She would still be in danger.
This would be another good case for her to hometest her own INR and perhaps manage her own dosing.
Connie they should have sent her home with Lovenox to give herself until she's in range. She's still in danger until it gets back up to 2.5.denobobeno said:Yes they did not keep her just gave her the shot of lovenox and 4 aspirins and she was gone. INR WAS .7 AND NOW IS 1.8 AND STILL WANT IT AT 2.5 OR EVEN 3.0 SHE WILL COME HOME MOST LIKELY FRIDAY...IF...SHE IS NOT SOOO WEAK, RIGHT NOW IS VERY WEEK.
denobobeno said:Yes they did not keep her just gave her the shot of lovenox and 4 aspirins and she was gone. INR WAS .7 AND NOW IS 1.8 AND STILL WANT IT AT 2.5 OR EVEN 3.0 SHE WILL COME HOME MOST LIKELY FRIDAY...IF...SHE IS NOT SOOO WEAK, RIGHT NOW IS VERY WEEK.