Barbara Stewart
I've been doing some reorganizing here at home over the last week and my back is sore, mostly on the left side. I have been holding my ever growing grandson so I chalked the soreness up to that, but now it seems to have settled on my right side. Before I knew I had a problem I would have just ignored it and wait for it to go away, but now it makes me worry.
Has anyone had anything like this? I had to have fluid removed from my right lung, but this is on my left side. Should I call my cardio or ignore it and see if it goes away? I'm really frustrated. I've been told that my recovery would take longer because all my previous problems, but I'm almost 7 months post surgery and I still cannot keep up a decent pace. One week I'll be terrific and the next I'll hardly be able to get out of bed. Arghhhhhhh.
I also have lupus so that certainly isn't helping.
Thanks guys. I have learned so much on this site.
Has anyone had anything like this? I had to have fluid removed from my right lung, but this is on my left side. Should I call my cardio or ignore it and see if it goes away? I'm really frustrated. I've been told that my recovery would take longer because all my previous problems, but I'm almost 7 months post surgery and I still cannot keep up a decent pace. One week I'll be terrific and the next I'll hardly be able to get out of bed. Arghhhhhhh.
Thanks guys. I have learned so much on this site.