Bonnie has asked the perfect question ... to help us answer your query, JI.
But, first, Lyn is right ... I'm in Chicagoland. BUT ... Nashville IS my favorite city ... and, believe it or not, I have a better time finding my way around Nashville than I do Chicago. Go figure

***** lolol I should have known that! Maybe it's your roadtrips that confused me....
Now, to add to Bonnie's comments about Nashville ... Opryland is a good place to start. Specifically the Opryland Hotel (lots of cool things to see in there) ... as well as the museums across the street ... and Opry Mills Mall (yes, a mall) just a bit ways down on Briley Parkway.
*****Opryland Hotel is booked, but I still plan on going to check it out. Hmmmmmmmmm, a mall??? YES!!! lol
Personally, I love driving around the area ... all along Briley Parkway ... and several sidestreets in the area.
*****I wrote Briley Parkway down, so we will probably do lots of riding around instead of walking.
Nashville has a minor league baseball team (Sounds) ... and Memphis does, too, I believe. I know of an ACHA member that lives in Memphis.
In addition, if you travel between Memphis and Nashville, you'll be traveling along I-40. Jackson TN is a beautiful place and is the home of the West TN Diamondjaxx, a minor league affiliate of the Chicago Cubs.
I also have some college friends and some fellow MC friends in Jackson, as well as MC friends in Memphis and Jackson.