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As some of you might know, we moved from the Tampa area to the Charlotte area back in April. I saw my new cardiologist within a few weeks after arriving here. At the time, he asked me about my coumadin monitoring, and I told him that I tested at home and dosed myself. He didn't even bat an eye. Well, Friday morning I realized that I had no refills left on my 10 mg. Coumadin (that had been prescribed by my cardio in FL) so I called the pharmacy and they called the doctor here in Charlotte. Friday afternoon, my phone rang and woke me out of a dead sleep (had my 2 year old grandson here for a few days, and I was sleeping while he slept). Anyway, it was someone from the cardio's office asking who was managing my INR. I must say that she slipped and said "blood sugar" first, and I then corrected her. Anyway, when I told her I tested and dosed myself, she flipped out. She said they couldn't write a new script because I wasn't being seen by their Coumadin clinic. She said that it was against state law to do what I was doing. I asked her if she preferred that I have a stroke if they didn't write the script and she said she would have to have someone else call me back. I guess that was a little ugly of me to be that sarcastic, but remember, she woke me up.
I then get a call from another lady who also said it was illegal for them to give me a script for Coumadin. I told her that I could give her 6 months of my INR readings and dosages but she persisted that I couldn't do this. After pressing her further, she said that it wasn't a state law against what I was doing but an office policy. She informed me that I was going to have to start testing in a lab again. I basically said "over my dead body". I also told her that the practice sounded antiquated to me. She said she would have to consult with other people in the office and call me back. Of course, all through this, I've told them that the cardio knows about my self testing and had no problem with it. They said that he probably thought my doctor in Florida was following my INR. I mean "duh". Why would I get a new cardio in NC if my doc in FL was following me? Then I get a third call from a nurse, and she said that they would call in the script and speak with my cardio next week. She said they may just need a baseline INR from the lab every few months for their records. This is a huge practice in Charlotte. I asked if they had any patients that self tested and she said no. She said most of their patients on Coumadin are elderly and wouldn't be interested in doing it. I told her that I would switch doctors before I would go back to having my veins stuck. My veins in my arms are shot after 25 years of testing that way. The lab was already into my hands, and they told me after that, my feet were next. No thank you! Sorry to go on about this, but I was so mad and upset that I was in tears after these three phone conversations. I don't know what to expect next week. Any pointers would be appreciated. Am I being unreasonable? LINDA