Animals eat each other.....
Animals eat each other.....
I?m not a real meat eater either...... For some reason, as a child, seeing chickens flopping around the yard with no heads, (and dipping in boiling water and plucking the nasty things) pigs hanging from backhoe buckets with blood squirting out, bambie hanging in the tool shed, butchering cattle I had befriended, etc. after cutting them up and putting them in the freezer.... for some reason I was just never able to eat them. It's wierd... I have 7 siblings... they are ALL meat eaters..... well.... my one brother who was always the 'chicken head chopper offer' absolutely does not eat chicken (or any bird meat) to this day. So I donno what happened to me. Anyway.... I have nothing against anyone else eating it, I feed my whole family meat......... heck I feed the dang dog meat.

I just don't like it.
Here's to 'National Pig Appreciation Day'!!

I hope I never need haparin, but if I do... I'm sure glad we have pigs!!
What about all those animals out there eating each other?

I've always been curious how vegetarians felt about that, but never had the chance to ask one.
Al, I sent you a PM about Develyn. I look forward to meeting her.