Hello there I was wonderfing if anyone could tell me if it is okay to get soft tissue therapy at the chiropractor. I injured my leg (have no idea how) and was first getting soft tissue therapy with a massage person at my chiropractors office. After one visit I was black and blue all over those areas where she worked. It was helping however I was concerned about the bruising and called my Coumadin clinic to double check if this was okay. They said to stop the therapy due to concerns of tissue damage. So my leg got worse and today I went in again to the chiropractor and they did another type of therapy where they put patches with wires attached to a machine which delivers a pins and needles type stimuli to the areas. Is this okay? I have called the Doc again to see but havn't heard back yet and felt posting here would get me answers quicker and of couse by people who might have the answers I need. I can already see tiny lil bruises which I'm not concerned with but just wanted to make sure I'm not doing any damage......SAFETY FIRST
Any info will help as the Doc still hasn't called and its past closing time on a friday
Thanks in advance!!!