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Saw the Surgeon and the Cardo on Mon. Things could not be better. they don't want to see me for another 6 months. I feel kind of bad though because so many other people are having such difficulty with their recovery. I started going back to work on Wed for about 3 hours per day just to get back into the grove. Its so hot here 105-109 I cant walk. Went to the gym and thought I would do a mile on the elliptical runner. Funny, my legs were like rubber at a 1/2 mile. I looked like some whimp all these people doing 30 min workouts. Ill try again today. Thanks for all the support you guys ave given me, this site and everyone here has been a blessing from god. THANKS
Great news! Don't feel badly that you're doing well. I know that those who are having a tougher time would still want to rejoice with you in your good recovery. Best wishes!


Thanks so much for sharing your good news - so inspiring to those (like me) who are following in your footsteps, and I'm sure to those in the waiting room as well. So important to know that it's possible for recovery to be a relatively smooth road even if it doesn't go that way for everyone. Sounds like you are happy about getting back to work and increasing your exercise, but remember to take it slow and easy - you don't want any setbacks at this stage of the game. Again, congratulations and best of luck to you!

Take care,
Good news, David, Good recoveries are always inspirational to those in the waiting room. Best wishes to you.
It's lovely to hear a good post-surgery report!
Whatever you're doing, you're doing it right, so keep it up!:)
David -

David -

Everything is relative - don't feel guilty at doing so great because think of your "perfectly healthy" family members or friends who don't even have to see a doctor but once a year. Luckies!!

However, YOU are very lucky and congratulations on your wonderful followup exam.

Please do moderate exercise as you can - I should have exercised more than I did. I got lazy and fat!! Now I am paying for it with other health problems and it may have affected my heart some also. I am trying to walk often now but nothing too strenuous until I get in better shape.

Best wishes!!

Christina L

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