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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Y'all behave now hear? I must go get echo'd and see how huge thy heart is and if Mr. St.Jude is still A-1.
While the cat's away, the mouse will play . . . ;) ;)
I intend to misbehave while you're gone, and the only way you will know what I've done is if you come back and promise to share the echo results when you get them.:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :p :p :p
Mary said:
While the cat's away, the mouse will play . . . ;) ;)
I intend to misbehave while you're gone, and the only way you will know what I've done is if you come back and promise to share the echo results when you get them.:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :p :p :p
Mary ? What shall we do to rock the boat?Something to truly make him stand up and notice??
Best of luck, Ross! See if you can behave while you are there-hah!
Yaps said:
Mary ? What shall we do to rock the boat?Something to truly make him stand up and notice??

I don't know Yaps . . . the possibilities are endless!

I am glad that Nancy told him to put some clothes on!
So just which character is on those underroos?

Really Ross I am a very visual person..that may have been TMI this morning:D ;)

seriously.. hoping/praying for a great Echo result!!
Heck, Ross, they just make you take your clothes off when you get there anyway, so wearing your Underoos should be fine. :D

Best of luck to ya. We'll try not to misbehave TOO badly while you're out. :D
Oh, drat this west coast time..... am I late?? You're probably lying there right now with a pretty tech tickling your ribs!

I know you will tell us when you get the results. (or any comments today). I'm counting on them being good! And then you'd better hold onto something when you post them because the collective sigh of relief from all of us may just knock you over!!!

Good luck today!!

Adding my prayers

Adding my prayers

Here's to a good report! Thanks for all you do Ross!

The Incredible Hulk Underoos are my favorite!

Well no comments were made, but I gave an order to at least attempt to determine just how large my heart is. She said she'd try, but no guarantees. Check in a week for the results.
My son's favorites were Thundercats, or as he used to say FUNDERCATS!!!!!!

I hope you behaved yourself out in public.:rolleyes:

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