Pacemaker replacement w/in a year

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Congrats, you have now grasped both meanings of bleeding always stops.
Hi Niki

I'll be thinking about you....

You know, Nancy has always been a HUGE inspiration to me, especially her motto.....

Whenever things aren't going right in my life, or I'm facing another ultrasound, mamo, or this week surgery for a basal cell on my head, I chant Nancy's mantra....NEVER GIVE IN AND NEVER GIVE UP!!! It gives me strength from somewhere, and I hope it will give you the same.

She's quite an exceptional person, as are you. Good luck. I'll put you in my prayers.

Al, :p

Evelyn, thank you. I'm sure I'll get through it... I have before and I will again, but it sure is annoying to have one more thing to worry about...

Going in for a MUGGA scan tomorrow. Everyone pray that the medicine regimine we've been working on the last year has greatly improved (or at least held off deteriation) my RV function.

Thanks everyone for your words of encouragement.
Niki, I'm thankful that Hank is a good Christian and has no worse symbols on here, or I'm afraid I would have gotten one from you!!!
allodwick said:
Niki, I'm thankful that Hank is a good Christian and has no worse symbols on here, or I'm afraid I would have gotten one from you!!!
Who, me? Nooooo... I'm a good girl, I am. :D

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