Pot and AVR

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Chillin, just chillin....
Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2005
South Carolina

Just thought I would get the opinion of the VR.com community on the pros and cons of pot smoking. I wanted to post this last week but it kept slipping my mind.:cool: :D :cool:

I recall, back in my younger and more experimental days :) , that said substance gave me really bad palpitations. I had absolutely no idea that I had valve issues at the time, but I definitely recall NOT liking the sensation. I think I would probably stay away from it now even if it was available...

Oh yeah, I mean if it was legal. :D
My son is currently detained in a psychiatric hospital due to smoking pot. He was a voluntary patient three years ago but this time he is what in the UK is known as 'sectioned' and will be there for a minimum of six months.

He started to smoke pot at university when he was eighteen, he gained an honours degree in biochemistry so is not unintelligent. He knew the risks and took them, he was one of those who becomes psychotic.

He hasn't worked in three years and is going to require medication for life.

What do I think about people smoking pot? I wish that I could string up the people who sold it to my son. He is now 27 and his life is in ruins,

I am sorry that your son has had problems of this magnitude. I have never read of anyone that has had psychotic episodes due to pot smoking. I wish him the best and hope he gets it all worked out.

This post was not meant to rattle cages but just to obtain info. I hope no one finds it offensive.

When younger, I remember Pot to relax me quite a bit and also calmed me. Pot just (I hate to use a dated term) "mellowed" me out. Relaxed and content, I would listen to music or see a good film for a few hours. I really enjoyed it during that time in my life. I have no idea what a joint will do to the heart rate or the PT/INR. There must have been some research done somewhere. Sounds interesting to find out.
Pot, having it tonight

Pot, having it tonight

Pot roast, with carrots and potatoes.:D ..I have never seen pot..anyone who smoked it..How did I get by in the 60's before I was married?Had a great job as a stewardess with Delta airlines. they watched us like a hawk.:D Had to be the perfect example for them.:) My son has been in Law enforcement for 15 years....heard so many sad stories about young kids smoking Pot.....from him.....:( can lead to more addicted drugs...) that Meth crack, I hear is the worse..:eek: saw on Oprah......Your next door neighbor could be addicted to it..and one never knows.:eek: Housewives, honor students, ect.So sad...Bonnie
Go smoke all the pot you want. I believe that drugs should be legal and people should be able to use as they wish (obeying the laws as they apply to alcohol).

Of course the reason I feel this way is to facilitate darwinism.
I think as highly of pot as I do cigarettes, which isn't very highly. When I tried pot as a teen, it made me ill. Don't know why, but nausea galore. My dad was an alcoholic, but I couldn't get addicted to that or pot. Good thing; I need my brain cells badly. As a medicine, I have no clue or opinion about pot. Cigarettes have taken my mother's breathe away...literally. I don't hate smokers, but I hate what they're smoking...pot included.
I am a product of the sixties so use your imagination. I developed an allergy to mold and mold spores dry into pot as it is cured. The first time I smoked after developing the allergy (which was also after I was diagnosed with MV disease), caused my lungs to close up and I ended up in the ER thinking I was having a heart problem.
The only good thing to come out of that experience was I met the cardio I would work with for the next 10 years, through my first 2 surgeries. Haven't smoked since and probably would not even if it were legal. I am fine with my Bailey's.;) :D ;)
We were both there

We were both there

geebee said:
I am a product of the sixties so use your imagination. I developed an allergy to mold and mold spores dry into pot as it is cured. The first time I smoked after developing the allergy (which was also after I was diagnosed with MV disease), caused my lungs to close up and I ended up in the ER thinking I was having a heart problem.
The only good thing to come out of that experience was I met the cardio I would work with for the next 10 years, through my first 2 surgeries. Haven't smoked since and probably would not even if it were legal. I am fine with my Bailey's.;) :D ;)
Pot smoking and good heart health don't mix-PERIOD! The smoke is very hard on your lungs = hard on the heart. The THC can speed up the heart and cause it several different types of rhythm problems.:eek:

On the other hand almost everything is more enjoyable while you are on. That goes for music, food, SNL and movies (?Up In Smoke?- what was I laughing at?:confused: ) and several other things that make life worthwhile.;)

If you have to do it, don?t smoke it- eat it, but be aware of the rhythm problems.

I?ve been a teetotaler since early ?80s. I miss it, but nothing like I miss my health!:(

The choice is yours- choose wisely.:)
Hey Cooker,
You're on such a solid roll with your health and fitness. :D Think of all the things you can do so much easier this year when compared to this time last year!!!! :D :D Why mess up a great thing?
My last memory had me crawling to bed with my heart pounding 1000 beats a minute, trying to jump right out of my chest! :eek: That can't be good! And another thing, I've never had a-fib problems like someone else I know! You're too darn special and you've come too far to take too many more chances with your health. Opps, sorry I don't mean to preach.
I'll go down memory lane with you any day ...talking about mary jane, hooters, reefers, rooster legs or is it hog legs..help me here! :)rolleyes:), doobies, roaches, bogartin', jonesin', shot gunnin' etc!:p :p :p :cool:
Your vr buddy,
cooker said:
This post was not meant to rattle cages but just to obtain info. I hope no one finds it offensive.

Hey Cooker,
If you seriously are seeking info, ask your cardio for advice!
I can say I partook in my younger days. And if I had partaken in recent times, can say I don't believe there was any change in my heart! I am not a regular user,( once in 20 years) I am one of the few that believes it should be legalized! In my opinion it ( for most people) does far less damage than booze.I recognize that some people are easily addicted and that pot leads to "harder" drugs, but those same people will find something to become addicted to.
I am a cigarette smoker and have been for 30 + years, however I smoked ALOT of pot when I was young, but I never tried anything else.
I think it depends on the person and is a personal choice.

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