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Well, where to begin, first thanks to all of you for you concern, thoughts and prayers. The night before last was a very scary event for me and a great lesson on what it means to be low key.

I want to assure you all that the head of cardiology for Cedars Sinai was on call yesterday and he reviewed every test and visited with me multiple times. He was very attentive and very concerned. I was previously scheduled for a angio-cat-scan for tomorrow, as well as to give blood and have an echo of my carotid artery. So I will be back at the hospital and will check in with the cardiology dept.

Back to what happened. I have to give you a little background into me and my personality before telling you the story. I hope you will be understanding of how hard it is for me to change. I have always lived at a frenetic pace. I am the kind of guy that drives my friends crazy because I just don't stop. When we go to Kauai to relax, my wife lays on the beach and I snorkel. That is as close to relaxing as I usually get. I do watch tv and can be a lazy bum while watching sports or movies, but even then I am usually sitting with my leg bouncing and changing channels at a pace that drives my family crazy. I have changed a ton in the last couple of years and have been learning how to slow down. In the last couple of years I have backed out of many of my responsibilites at church including getting off the elder board. Just a couple of years ago I took 2 of the boys from the group I mentor with us to Kauai and when we kayaked and hiked they complained for me to slow down. I also eat that way. I have been a foracious, but mostly healthy eater, but I have my vices. I have been trying very hard to change many of my old habits, but know that low key to me is a normal pace for some.

So what happened is I took Emily to Dland (she is a frequent flyer there) and our intention was to stay all day catch the fireworks and go home. By 4:00 I was physically done, then I was a good boy and listened to my body, and said we gotta go home. The next day we ran a bunch of errands and Lori offered to take me home, but I wanted to stay with her and didn't listen to my body. Later we had dinner and since we had been out Lori got a pizza and that's where I really blew it when I had 4 slices.:eek: I just kept coming back and getting more. For the rest of the night I was miserable. What was scary was that my heart started pounding like crazy. I knew I was probably over my recommended BP, but I didn't have a BP cuff and I thought if I just take it easy and go to bed I will be okay. I didn't sleep a wink. Finally at about 5:00 I gave in to the better voices in my head and called the guys at the fire station down the street. Some of the best paramedics in L. A. Co. Fire work at my local station and they not only took care of me, they talked the local hosp. into letting them take me all the way down to Cedars in Beverly Hills. We passed at least 4 if not 5 hospitals to get there, but truthfully none of them could really take care of my situation if it was a tear. My BP when I got to the station was 138/98, which is way to high for someone with my condition. I had chest pain, but I am convinced that it was mostly due to the acid refulx. I think what happened is that the BP went up because of the saltiness and spicyness of the meal and the body being run down from doing to much and then the acid reflux kicked the whole problem into 5th gear. It was quite a scare, but the whole time it did not feel like what i imagined a disection to feel like. It was a 3-4 on a scale to 10 and it was that pinching feeling we have talked about not a stabbing or tearing feeling.

I was taken into the Cedars ER and was immediately given a 12 lead ekg and blood tests. They took everything very seriously and got a cardiologist involved right away. My cardiologist was out of town, but the head of cardiology happened to be the guy on call. He was great (Dr. Cercek) and ordered a chest cat scan to check on the aorta and an echo to check on the valve. All tests came back negative, no heart attack and no change in the aorta or AV. He felt that the pain could have been coming from shoulder problems (remember this whole thing got discovered when I was supposed to have shoulder surgery) or more probably a problem with both the BP being too high and the acid reflux being bad. The only thing confusing to me was that the pain went away when I got nitro. Why would nitro help acid reflux? I personally think the test were right, no heart attack and no tear, but a very irritated heart because of a stupid move on my part. I am feeling much better, but am still a bit burpy. I also got the pneumococcal vaccine and my arm hurts from that, but all ina ll it feels grea to be home.

Tomorrow I will have an angio-cat-scan and the echo on my carotid and I will go by to check in with the cardiology group. My cardiologist is out of town, so I will check in with Dr. Cercek again. I will also check in with surgery and see what we can do about moving up my date. I did choose to take a spot one week later than what they offered me (because of a class I am supposed to take!) and now I regret that. The sooner the better!

Lastly, and thanks for your patience with this long string, I vow before you my VR friends:
1. I will not eat spicey foods or anything in excess (at least until after I am recovered).
2. I will stay at home and either be on the computer, watch tv or just hang out.
3. I will go to bed early and will take naps.
4. I will contact my gastro-interologist and see if we can get me on some stronger meds for the acid reflux so that I am not having to guess all the time as to where these pains are coming from.
5. I will continue to live my life as a man who believes that God is in control, but not like a fool who thinks that everything will always work out okay. Death is irreversible. I may believe that the after life is a good thing, but it won't be good for Lori and Emily, and Amy and her husband Brent.

So there it all is. I am open to input, and desire suggestions, but I must apologize to all of you, like I have to my wife, for not taking all of this more strictly.

Know that I am rapidly growing to love you all, and am so grateful for your friendship. I need the positive input though, my doctors are very good and I don't feel that it would be a good thing to change paths at this time. Trento is considered one of the best on the West Coast and he is worth waiting for. Because of his being gone last month he is booked solid through July. I was given the first open date. I believe if tomorrow shows any changes in the size or growth of my aorta they will bump me up, but that means someone else, like Temp69 experinced, being bumped back. I trust the doctors and I trust the Lord, I just need to do a better job at being a good patient. Look how many guys do you know that spend the bulk of their time with young men that are 30 yrs younger than them. I think that tells you a little about me. I am the oldest teenager I know, and can be a little thick like a teenager. Thanks so much for your support and concern, it really means a lot to my family and myself. Sorry ti took me so long to get back to you but the phone has been ringing off the hook and one of my pastors came by to pray with me. Hope I didn't sound to defensive, but all of my friends so far have been lovingly teasing about the whole thing, and I feel pretty lame.
God bless,

Randy: So glad to hear you're doing ok. It seems your docs have things under control now, but I'm frankly surprised you've not already HAD a cath. How are they certain how big your aneuryism is?

The heart pounding after eating I think is a symptom of the stenotic BAV. I've had that for a couple years (gradually getting worse) until now I just KNOW I can't binge on things. I have to eat smaller portions and it's made cooking for me more difficult but it's just the way it has to be....

I agree with your "rules." Just stick to 'em. Self-discipline's hard stuff, in any situation. I've a feeling this stuff teaches us ALL to be a little more self-disciplined, and take it EASY for a while.

-chris :)
I'm not going to lie Randy, you had us all very worried. But I'm glad that things seem to be checking out status quo so far and that the doctors are taking your issue very seriously. Still - a surgery date sooner is better than later.:eek:

Let us know how your tests go.

And tell Emily "thank you" for posting about you. And "thank you" to you for thinking of us.


I can't BELIEVE you went to Disneyland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You HAVE to come to a stop, not just 'slow down'. Lay around..listen to your body, not your head..~~Okay, I feel better now..just had to get that off my chest.
I have been soo worried all day and have been anxiously awaiting to hear from you or Emily. I prayed a hundred times for you, I'm so glad that your temporarily out of danger.
I would feel much better if they would get you into surgery this week~~that is my new prayer!! So be ready!:D
Much Love and prayers,
Ozmercy said:
Death is irreversible.

Most-true words, Randy.

Very sorry about the ordeal you endured, but glad to know things seem to be checking out OK for you for now.

Thoughts/prayers continue coming your way....

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker =
chdQB =
"Enough is enough, I can't take anymore" ... Alabama ... 'Can't Keep A Good Man Down'
I'm glad you're feeling better, but truly can't help being awfully worried about you. My father-in-law died from a dissection and his aneurysm was smaller than your's. Therefore, I really do hope you take it very easy and don't wait for 5 or 6 hours before getting to a hospital if you have symptoms again!

But thanks for posting, hope tests go well tomorrow, and eat oatmeal. :eek:
Well Randy, you had me freaking! I swear to God, what your describing or should I say how your daughter described it, was exactly how my dissection started to present itself. I had no ripping or tearing feeling, it was more like a sudden heart attack and all I wanted to do was reach inside my chest and grab hold of whatever was causing it.

I have a lung disease that frequently lands me in the ICU with pneumonia. I know all about plueral effusion and pain. The November before my rupture, I had some sudden chest pain that I knew was different from the lung pains. I truly believe this is when the dissection began, but they never caught it at the hospital. In the following March, it really let go. They missed it on an echo, missed it on a Catheterization, and missed it on xrays. I was very near death when they finally got my Cardiologist in on it and he ordered the Catscan and low and behold, there it was plain as day. Time was of the essence and their surgeon was already in the OR on another patient, so the decision was made to life flight me to the Cleveland Clinic.

I awoke 30+ days later, not knowing where I was or what had happened. The pain with that dissection was no doubt a 10+ and I never ever want to go through anything like it again and surely don't want to see anyone else do it either. I had had a stroke, pneumonia, a staph infection and just about every organ shutdown. It was a long long recovery in which I never fully recovered.

Why am I telling you this? For the same reason your telling us about your personality. Understanding. If I come off as some harsh field General, it's because of what happened to me and knowing just how close you are to being in the same boat. Please do follow up on everything. Don't make the mistake I did. Know one knows why I made it through surgery. I should not be here today to write this, but I am. That's too close to death for comfort. ;)
Thanks for posting, Randy- glad to see this post before going to bed. Listen to Ross and your wife- take it easy and we pray that all the tests go fine tomorrow and that you get a surgery date sooner rather than later. The sooner you climb that mountain, the sooner you can go back to being a teenager!
Pain Subsiding with Nitro

Pain Subsiding with Nitro

Hi Randy,

You said something that is extremely important for everyone who reads this thread to understand.

Your pain went away with nitro.

I cannot tell you how many individuals I know about with exactly that same experience. People who were in varying degrees of trouble with their aorta.

Pain and even lesser discomfort are associated with an aortic wall under stress. Nitro dilates blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. It relieves the stress on the aortic wall, and the pain goes away. The Nitro temporarily calmed things down, but I remain very concerned about you.

Your aorta is complaining very loudly. You need to be very careful.

I checked your profile, and you are listed as taking only 50 mg of a beta blocker per day. Until you get that aneurysm resected, you must do everything you can to keep the stress off your aorta. That means you have got to keep your blood pressure very low. Bicuspids often have labile blood pressure - and you are getting chest pain at systolic BP of 138. Have you been given more blood pressure medication, and what target range were you told to keep your blood pressure in? Are you taking your blood pressure at home, writing it down, and adjusting your medication accordingly? This is extremely important.

You describe yourself as the typical "Type A" bicuspid ..... you need blood pressure medication - lots of it - in hopes of keeping your aorta from tearing. And you need to get the aneurysm resected.

Aortic aneurysms are tricky - they do not give a margin for error. I am amazed that Ross survived what happened to him. The goal should always be to avoid emergencies.

Sometimes I have told people that God must have used His finger to hold their aorta together. Sometimes I think it takes His whole Hand. May you be kept safe until you get help.

Randy - Glad to hear that you are o.k. I was also worried, and thought that you had been admitted to some hospital out your way. At least you were able to get to Cedars and get proper attention. You take it easy!

Randy thanks for updating I also was worried about you, afterreading your blog you are the kind of person the world needs more of so don't screw it up :) maybe when you are all better if I ever get to the disney area to meet my heart mom friends we can meet and you can tell the story about how you were able to change things and learned to relax and take it slow after a scarey night , I hope they get you in sooner, tho lyn
Disneyland?! Come on! Silly old bear! I am so glad to hear you sound good. Better embarrassed than anyting worse. I am still worried about you after hearing Ross' story. PLEASE, take it easy. Let's hope you get a new surgery date VERY soon. Remember, Dland will still be there once you're recovered. Then you get a season pass!

Ross, I am thinking that some of the reason you are still here is to help us heart neophites (sp?) feel better about what is to come and how to handle what here. Thank you. :)
Thank you all

Thank you all

Thanks to all of you for posting your well wishes and your concerns. I am concerned as well, but think that if I keep it low key I can make it.

Arlyss, i will bring up the nitro thing with the cardiologist tomorrow and I will also ask about better BP meds or more. During my stay there I was always below 110 and was closer to 100 most of the time. My pulse fluctuated between 52 and 62. I just need to keep it like that. I really don't want to get scared about all this and make it worse with anxiety. I am trying to keep it calm and cool.

Remember I have been 5.3 for 2 yrs. and it hasn't grown, that doesn't mean it isn't weak it just hasn't grown. Tomorrow we will see if there is any change. The angio cat-scan is much more acurate than the regular cat scan. I will write tomorrow after I get back.

I am going to go to bed now. Pray that I will sleep well. I will be praying for all those going into surgery this week. A favorite verse of mine is "Cast your cares on Him for He cares for you."

God bless you all,
forgot one thing

forgot one thing

We have passes to Dland and go monthly. We do not ride any roller coasters and basically go to shows and visit the princesses. Many of the princesses know Emily by name and treat her with so much kindness. I am a sucker for taking care of my girl and just wanted to give her a nice day. As far as i am concerned I don't need to go there ever again, but it means so much to her. She has been reminded no more trips till after I am recovered.

Do you think I should stop walking in the morning?

Am I remeberrring right, didn't you have a pain scare last week too? please be sure to tell the card about all the scares you have had lately and pain, even if it seems minor and unrelated (reflux ect) to you please mention it and how often you get these pains. maybe there is a chance they aren't heart related, but better safe than sorry, lyn
ps Arlyss, I meant to mention before how knowledable you are and that you have a way of explaining things that makes it easy to understand, thanks
Should you stop walking? No. Just cut back on the distance some. You still need to maintain a degree of fitness and right now, walking is about the only thing you can do that will be minimum stress on the inner tube.

Many many times, they've opened people up and found the aneurysm to be much larger then they thought. We've seen this over and over again here. This is why all of us are very concerned about you. All I can tell you is, if you have more pain, get thee back to the hospital pronto. Even if this round was a false alarm, which I do not think it was, do not let it dictate your decisions should this happen again. Procrastination will get you.
Randy. Very glad to hear that you are okay. Also very glad to hear that you finally realize the respect your condition deserves. You might look over your intake of caffeine, too, and work your way away from it. Coffee, coke and pepsi, mountain dew, chocolate and mocha.......etc., etc..

Thanks for thinking of us as you were heading off to the hospital. It was sweet of your daughter to write.

Take care and let us know what the doctor says.


I am so glad that things turned out the way they did. And I am also very relieved that your doctors are being extremely careful with your situation, and that you are having further testing today.

Best wishes.
Hey Randy,
I've got enough stuff going on in my life without you adding extra excitement to it!
(yes, it's always all about me):p :p :p :p
Seriously, I was worried about you.
Seriously, I'm still worried about you.
Please ask the questions Arlyss suggested you ask, then let us know what the
answers are.
I'm so glad that they took you to Cedars; that lowered, to some extent, the apprehension I feel about your situation.
Take it easy and give us an update when you can.

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