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In addition to being a "Valver" I'm also a blocked artery guy. I haven't lived what you'd call a healthy lifestyle, but that also probably saved my life! None of my doctors had ever detected a heart murmur. I knew nothing of my BAV or the 5.9 aneurism I was walking around with when I had chest pains and had to go to the ER. My doctor did know that I had hypertension and I've been on meds for it for about 12 years...High cholesterol...I was definitely high risk. So, who else here has similar problems?
Mitral valve replacement(st judes) and a quadruple by-pass, still blocking better than any quarterback.....:eek:
My mom is 65 and has oinker mitral valve and triple bypass to boot. She had high cholesterol for years..wich is interesting because she eats very healthy and always has. I think the folks on this board are so cool because everyone has been through so many issues and still have great attitudes-just like my mom. I admire you all so much:cool: Deb
My story is quite similar to yours JohnnyV

One year ago - none of my doctors had detected a murmur. In fact, it was I that FINALLY got them focusing on my aortic valve. I'd been in the hospital for a few days from severe SOB and all tests were coming back A-OK. But I'm hooked up all day and all night to the telemetry - and naturally, with nothing better to do -- I am staring at all my vitals. So I asked "How come my diastolic pressure is so low?" (like in the low 40s). My cardiologist and my pulminary doc looked at me and said ...... Hmmmmmm.

So, when I get home, I go out on the web and guess what I find? The sine qua non on Aortic Insufficiency is A LOW DIASTOLIC PRESSURE.

AVR and quad bypass
A sub-point

A sub-point

Could I add a sub-point to this thread? I had a bi-cusbid aorta valve that had to be replaced. My cardiologist remarked at one point that in his experience, bicuspid valvers were quit unlikely to require by-pass. This turned out to be true in my case. So I am curious, how many bi-cuspid valvers do we have that also required a by-pass?
With me, it was all about the murmur. An alert doctor detected it during a routine physical some 40 years ago. Cardiologists followed it all these years and eventually diagnosed the severe aortic stenosis. My cholesterol levels have always been within normal range, and I did not have to have any bypasses. Bottom line: If an alert doctor hadn't picked up the murmur (several other doctors over the years said they didn't hear it), I never would have had the live-saving valve and root replacement.
Good to know I'm not alone here. Not that I'm glad you all had to go thru the by-pass too. Are you guys on Plavix? Other meds that some of the "valvers only" might not be on? I know I still have problems with hypertension and the doc has me on two 50mg doses of Toprol for it. I'm also on my 3rd Statin. Lipitor caused severe joint pain. Advicor gave me bowel troubles. I'm on Crestor now and don't seem to be having any bad side effects. Well,one more thing I have...Sleep Apnia. I haven't been formally tested but my wife shakes me awake quite a bit. I'm supposed to call and schedule the test on monday.

Jerry's murmur was detected only 2-3 mo. after having radical prostate cancer surgery. As many times as they came in and listened to his back & chest while hospitalized wouldn't you think someone would've noticed something then?

Anyway one bypass was done at the time of AVR. His cholesterol was actually low at that time, but has crept up since. He has never been careful what he eats because he's a lean, mean machine no matter what. About 3 mo ago he was put on lovastatin in addition to 3 BP meds and warfarin, of course. He rebels against all the meds from time to time until I remind him they're keeping him alive! The BP needs to be kept low because of an aneurysm that's now being followed.
No valve or bypass surgery here at all, but I have a BAV and have a history of high cholesterol (which has been medicated into the normal range). I also have MVP and don't know if that is more likely to accompany high cholesterol and blockages.
Well JohnnyV -- we have MORE in common still.

I also have Sleep Apnea

I also STILL have hypertension and also am on Toprol - 50mg a day that was just bumped up to 100 mg per day. I am being a bad patient and only have gone to 75 per day until I can figure out what combinations of these drugs are causing me some dizzyness.

Now -- back to the OSA (obstructive sleep apnea). Get your butt into a sleep center NOW. This stuff is nothing to mess around with AND is a huge contributor to hypertension. With treatment, you just might get to lower some of the dosages.

If you don't know much about it - go do some research on the web. You won't have to look far. Basically, due to the apneas (breathing cessations) your blood oxygen levels fall, sometimes, into the low 60 percentile at night. You are supposed to hang right around 95% at night. So .. EVERY organ in your body is being starved of oxygen. It kills you in time. Not sure what the stats are now, but 10 years ago it used to be that the survival rate, after 5 years, for untreated OSA, was only 40%.

The treatment for OSA is usually a CPAP machine. Great device that will totally correct your OSA. Something like 2 apneas a night instead of 200 or more.
Hi, well I too had a by-pass when I had my AVR. The need for a bypass would not have been noted had I not had a cath prior to valve surgery. That is when it was found.

I now have another blocked artery and also will be needing another valve surgery! Do you suppose they come together? At least in my case.

I am currently taking Vytorin for cholesterol, was taking Lipitor and Zetia which seemed to help, but insurance would not pay for Lipitor any more. I have familial high cholesterol. It runs close to 400 without treatment. Down to 190-200 with treatment.

We also share the problem of sleep apnea. As DB said, you should get help for that asap, especially since you have known cardiac issues. Obstructive sleep apnea is definitely linked to cardiac disease.

Best of luck to you.

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