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Hi Guys
We are heading down to Mayo for Nathan's 10 month post op echo! As his wife, I feel so wonderful on this side of things. He is doing so well, he has been working so hard at his job, and there is no way I can keep up with this guy anymore
I have just begun to research bicuspic aortic valve disease so I can prepare my list of questions for his doc; Our daughter, almost 10 yrs, who was checked just prior to Nathan's surgery by her pediatrician (and Nathan's actually, and also is Nathan's relative...also now sporting artifical valve) was found to have a murmur, close to her Dad's, when compared at the same time.
Arlyss and our Toni have been so very helpful in providing links. I am researching the BAVD site, and I guess I am just wondering what actually classifies a peron as having BAVD??? Nathan, like so many other people, had a very hard time ever being dx as "bicuspid"; It wasn until he had a 3 dimensional (and 3 TEE's during his endocarditis) echo last year at the Mayo that they firmly believed he was bicuspid, which was confirmed at surgery. I don't have his aortic root or ascending aortic measurements on hand at moment. The only other suspicious evidence is he has an irregularities of his lower lumber spine, and his vessels are very small and roll. This was a rather big deal in that an angiogram was attempted on him prior to going to the Mayo, and what should have been a rather routine procedure turned into a devasting nightmare, with multiple attempts that probably should not have been attempted. They were never able to sucessfully complete his angio due to the difficulty accessing a vessel, which is extremely unusal in such a young patient (34 yrs). This is also true in starting an IV on Nathan. Even the IV team at the Mayo were mystified by the inablilty to access Nathan's blood vessels, and how he would infiltrate consistantly in the event they found a vessel.
Nathan's Dad is a 15 yr post heart transplant recipiant for cardiomyopathy, with unknown etiology. He is now in the early statges of transplant rejection, following a 2 year battle of pancratic cancer/liver cancer.
Our daughter had the suspicous murmr, and is a -2.00 myopic, another trade mark of BAVD. She is a little short for her age and when she tried to wear pierced ear rings, they pulled her lobes down (okay I know...sounds strange but I KNOW Toni will understand that one) How many of you who have had a confirmed BAV actually have BAVD? What precautions are you taking, and how were you diagnosed? What of the given criterea, do you have? How many developed aneuryms? Is there any family history of BAV? I know I am hitting on alot of ground that we have talked about before but a little refreshed is always good pre-appointment. Thank you guys so much;
Ann, Nathan and the kids
We are heading down to Mayo for Nathan's 10 month post op echo! As his wife, I feel so wonderful on this side of things. He is doing so well, he has been working so hard at his job, and there is no way I can keep up with this guy anymore
Arlyss and our Toni have been so very helpful in providing links. I am researching the BAVD site, and I guess I am just wondering what actually classifies a peron as having BAVD??? Nathan, like so many other people, had a very hard time ever being dx as "bicuspid"; It wasn until he had a 3 dimensional (and 3 TEE's during his endocarditis) echo last year at the Mayo that they firmly believed he was bicuspid, which was confirmed at surgery. I don't have his aortic root or ascending aortic measurements on hand at moment. The only other suspicious evidence is he has an irregularities of his lower lumber spine, and his vessels are very small and roll. This was a rather big deal in that an angiogram was attempted on him prior to going to the Mayo, and what should have been a rather routine procedure turned into a devasting nightmare, with multiple attempts that probably should not have been attempted. They were never able to sucessfully complete his angio due to the difficulty accessing a vessel, which is extremely unusal in such a young patient (34 yrs). This is also true in starting an IV on Nathan. Even the IV team at the Mayo were mystified by the inablilty to access Nathan's blood vessels, and how he would infiltrate consistantly in the event they found a vessel.
Nathan's Dad is a 15 yr post heart transplant recipiant for cardiomyopathy, with unknown etiology. He is now in the early statges of transplant rejection, following a 2 year battle of pancratic cancer/liver cancer.
Our daughter had the suspicous murmr, and is a -2.00 myopic, another trade mark of BAVD. She is a little short for her age and when she tried to wear pierced ear rings, they pulled her lobes down (okay I know...sounds strange but I KNOW Toni will understand that one) How many of you who have had a confirmed BAV actually have BAVD? What precautions are you taking, and how were you diagnosed? What of the given criterea, do you have? How many developed aneuryms? Is there any family history of BAV? I know I am hitting on alot of ground that we have talked about before but a little refreshed is always good pre-appointment. Thank you guys so much;
Ann, Nathan and the kids