Would like to know if there is any interreaction to Zetia and coumidian. Was recently placed on Zetia as I can't take statin drugs. My INR has been ranging from 2.3 too 2.5, however my last check was 2.8.
I have been on this for the last 3 mos. and my protime has been right in range. I had another cholesterol test done today and hope this has helped in go down. Is the zetia working for you?
No the zetia is not working. Last Feburary my total cholesterol was 226 with a ldl of 146. Now I am down to 196, however the ldl jumped to 161. My doctor and cardio are trying to put me back on statins, which I have never been able to handle. After about 4-5 days I feel like I have been beaten with a rubber hose. Every muscle hurts, upset stomach and headaches. Can't seem to convince the doctors, I can't take statins. Do they listen no, lets try another one is their answer. I sometimes think they push this stuff, as they get a kickback from the drug companies. Found a article on www.hpathy.com that looks like I am in a normal range as my hdl of 39 is withing 35 per cent of the total. Now the new one to try is a mix of statin and zetia, don't think I will use it, just going to pickup the free sample and toss it so they will get off my back. I have had my cartiods cleaned within the last two years and a valve replaced in 10/05. All in all maybe I will go another 62 years as it taken that long to get to where I was before.
My cardiologist said that if mine did not go down, we would try a statin with the zetia. I agree with you. I do not want to take a statin. Mine was 256 and not sure what the ldl was. Will have to ask next time. Ain't this fun.
The Zetia should not interfere with warfarin. There appear to be many, many benefits to taking a statin. It does not seem to be a good idea to give upon a statin until you have tried all of them. There is very little evidence that they cause liver failure.
I am now at the point where if somebody tells me that they do not want to or cannot take a statin that I tell them, "That is very unfortunate. Almost every study shows that the benefits outweigh the risks in many different conditions."
Hi Al thanks for the response. However I have tired every statin from Lipor to TriCor and all have affected me the same way. Sever muscle pain, upset stomach and headache. Looking at the side effects of statins there is one of muscle aches which is rare in some individuals. Apparently I am that one. Now if I could find a natural product that will reduce LDL that would be even better.
I'm on 1500 mg of Niaspan and 10 mg of Lipitor - has worked wonderfully for me. Current total chol is 174, hdl is 93. Docs are pleased & I haven't had any problems with the Lipitor.
I take Vytorin 10/20 which is the combination of Zocor and Zetia. I had tried all the statins before this and had problems with cramps. The Vytorin 10/20 uses a relatively low level of Zocor and the standard Zetia dose and has worked like a charm for me for over a year now. It may not work for you, but why not give it a try. IF it does work, it could be a significant difference for you longer term. Hope this helps, Chris