help with my echo report

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I need some help trying to figure out my echo’s, I could not get a straight answer from my cardio nurse and My cardio is booked for the next month and I am very concerned since the readings have changed, I guess I should start out by saying I will be 49 next month and very worried. I got a copy of my medical records. I will list my last two echo’s hopefully some could help me understand what I am up against.
2 D M Mode Color Flow Doppler
LveDD: 4.5 cm LVIDs: 2.3 cm
IVSd: 1.3 cm LVPWd: 1.2cm
LA: Aortic Root: 4 cm

1. Left ventricle is normal size. Left ventricular hypertrophy. No regional wall motion
abnormalities. Overall ejection fraction is 70%
2. Left atrium is a normal size
3. Right and ventricle are normal size and function
4. There is probable bicuspid aortic valve. There is at least moderate aortic insufficiency seen
5. The aortic root is dilated at 4cm
6. Mild mitral regurgitation
7. Mild tricuspid regurgitation
8. SBE prophylaxis for all procedures that entail bacteremia
9. No pericardial effusion

LVIDd: 4.9 cm LVIDs: 2.6 cm
IVSd: 1.4 cm LVWPd: 1.4cm
LA: 4.0 cm AR: 4.3 cm

1. The aortic root is dilated at 4.3 cm
2. Bicuspid aortic valve suggested
3. 3+ aortic insufficiency.
4. There is mitral valve prolapse with 1+ mitral regurgitation.
5. Enlarged left atrium at 4.0 cm
6. Left ventricular hypertrophy with normal ejection fraction of 70%
7. The pericardial space is clear
8. Normal right heart structures
9. No evidence of pulmonary hypertension

1. SBE prophylaxis
2. Since the echo Doppler of 2/05 the aortic insufficiency appears to have increased
3. The aortic root is larger having gone from 4 to 4.3 cm
4. In view of change, consideration for transesophageal echo to further define the magnitude of aortic insufficiency and aortic root is recommended
Hi, Trainman - welcome to the site.

I can understand your anxiety - looks like things are deteriorating. I'm no good at reading these things, but someone will be along who can help you.

Hang in there; we're here to answer questions and support you in this journey.
From what I know about this stuff -- the biggest impact that an increasing AI can have is on the Left ventrical. Yours still looks really good, especially with the ejection fraction at 70%.

I would NOT wait till your heart deteriorates -- get your valve replaced soon. You will be glad you did.
You have an aneurysm that has grown since the previous echo. They want to do a TEE to double check the magnitude of the size of it and to be sure about the regurgitation measurement. It could be better or worse then they see here.
Thanks for the replies, I am trying to gather information so I could ask the right questions when I speak to my Dr. I am not sure what my biggest problem is I was concerned when the nurse told me the aortic valve increased to 3+. I was not told by her there is an aneurysm, I also have an echo from 2003, was told at the time it was normal, but it showed mild regurgitation. Last year my doctor said the readings could stay like that forever, but they have changed this year. At what point will it be life threatening. I am not sure if I have symptoms, I am not sure how I should feel at my age. The nurse told me with that amount of leakage I should have symptom's that I have a heart of an 80 year old. I hope she is wrong!
When the leakage hits 4+ or the dilation gets to 5cm, then your due for surgery. As of now, they should want to do echos every 6 months, but of course, that's going to depend on the findings from the TEE.
If you develope ANY symptoms Go to the Emergency Department. Your aortic insufficiency has increased and the aneurysm has increased. Any procedures like dental work require anitbiotics. I would call to find out why your doctor is booked for the next month.Those results require a visit in the next week or two. Be the squeaky wheel. Best of luck. Deb

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