Oh my, not for the queasy

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I'm not looking at it Yaps!:eek: :eek: :eek: From everyone else's response, I know it must be bad!:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
I hope whatever is happening with your circulation is corrected soon, permanently, and EASILY!!!!!:)
Strange Heat Sensation?

Strange Heat Sensation?


What have they told you about the strange hot sensation in the back of your leg? I know someone who had it for a day or two and it went away. They never did find out what it was.
They think its a blood clot.. I am always cold, without failure.. no pulse in either foot..so we know the arteriosclerosis is into overtime.Heat sensation is new...I go for ABI next Friday. I dont know what they intend to do :eek: They just want to check, as I am on coumadin and plavix..its simply an extreme case in me.I still have the heat sensation daily and it travels up and down my leg (I am always thinking ,oh did I have an oops?:eek: )
Has anyone else had this?I am interested in how it is handled, as my collateral veins are dying..:eek: . love the pup
Hot sensation

Hot sensation


Yes, as I mentioned, my buddy (from cardiac rehab) had that sensation. He never did find out what it was. When you find out, post it, so I can pass it on.


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