Feeling really, REALLY good!

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Marguerite -

Marguerite -

A wonderful, delightful post to read. Congratulations all around. You and Gina should be sisters!! You remind me a lot of her and vice versa - such sweet, positive people. I hope soon I will be able to join your family. ;)

Christina L
Hey Marguerite,
Congratulations! That was a great post, oh and uh congratulations on 1300 posts, I think, that post from Ross seems a bit sinister:eek: :eek: :eek: :D
Great news!

Great news!

Good for you, Marguerite! What an encourgaement to have your surgeon say "My work here is done" and your cardio tell you she doesn't need to see you for a year.

Thanks everyone!!! (well, except Ross, of course!! :p ;) )

I am thoroughly enjoying my weekend. Dinner out last night -- shared a 1" thick Porterhouse with my husband and had a buttered baked potato and a glass of red wine. :eek: Well, what's a celebration if there isn't a little rule breaking here and there!!

Today we bought some travel books and are getting our calendars in sync (mostly with the college kids' calendars) so we can pack some bags and have a nice long trip somewhere in the fall. (we kind of delayed a big 25th annviersary trip from last January til after my surgery....so now........ who knows...... )

Next week our oldest son comes home from grad school for several weeks, our middle child will venture down the freeway for a week, and our daughter is having college friends fly in. Busy, busy, busy. Thank goodness I'm up to it!! (yes, I'll pace myself!!)

Thanks again for letting me share my exhuberance. My family is pleased, of course, but I don't think they really, really get it the same way that all of you do. So thanks for letting me indulge in my good mood, knowing that I was completely understood. It means a lot!!

:D Marguerite
Glad you are enjoying your weekend!!!!

Just be careful not to break too many rules ;).

Marguerite53 said:
Today we bought some travel books and are getting our calendars in sync (mostly with the college kids' calendars) so we can pack some bags and have a nice long trip somewhere in the fall. (we kind of delayed a big 25th annviersary trip from last January til after my surgery....so now........ who knows...... )

*raises eyebrow*

So, to where all will you be traveling?

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker
MC:family.IL.guide.future = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/
chdQB = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/quilt.html
"There's no better time than today" ... 9 Days ... 'Good Friend'
knightfan2691 said:
So, to where all will you be traveling?

It's really up in the air, Cort. Maybe Vancouver, BC, some nice little resort on the strait (we were in Parksville once, and loved it). Maybe Banff?? Maybe the Grand Canyon. Maybe Sedona. Maybe a beach in California. Maybe the south of France (that one requires robbing a bank, however...but one can have fun dreaming!!) I've never been to New England, so that's not out of the question either. :confused: :confused: It's too big of a world to decide!! That's what's so much fun.......looking into everything! :D

If we ever decide, I'll let you know!!

:) Marguerite
Marguerite53 said:
I've never been to New England, so that's not out of the question either. :confused: Marguerite

A veritable treasure trove!! The time of the year you are thinking about is perfect for staying in a B&B in let's say Camden, ME, overlooking Schooner Bay.



Just to the north is Arcadia Nat'l Park with Bar Harbor, etc. Can you say LOBSTER? Not to miss is all the famous lighthouses along the Maine Coast. And that is just Maine - don't get me started on places like Vermont and New Hampshire. Your trip of a lifetime would include taking the cog railroad up the side of Mt. Washington!

Congrats, Marguerite - what a ringing endorsement for heart valve surgery.

That whole BMI thing is overrated.
Congratulations!! I'm glad you can start putting this behind you and plan for the future!

As far as travel goes, I always have to plug my hometown, Charleston, SC. Try the other coast! Unless you can go to France, that is.

I've been to the Northwest a few times and I always love it because it is so much different from here.

Adam T.
My sister was going to go to San Diego for vacation (from Portland, she lives in The Dalles) and found they could go on a 7 day cruise about the same money and a lot more relaxation. Europe is wonderful and sometimes the fall airfares and hotel specials are a good deal. We lived in London for two years and traveled far and wide in Europe = )
Marguerite53 said:
That's what's so much fun.......looking into everything!


And people wonder why I love taking my famous road trips ;). he he he ... along with meeting friends/family, so much to see and, in some cases, discover!

Marguerite53 said:
If we ever decide, I'll let you know!!

Yes ... yes, you better. Course, I didn't see IL or any other midwestern state on that list .... hmmm......
Well, I knew when I answered Cort's question that this would turn into a travel guide thread!! And WHAT FUN!!

Der Bier.....thanks for the great links. My mouth was watering for some lobster! And that cog train looks intense! Beautiful landscape. I've sent away for a Maine travel guide, and will probably do the same with Vermont and NH. The Blue Harbor House looks very comfy. This might be really good......

Adam. My husband and I have always wanted to see Charleston! What are some of your favorite thing to tell people to do there? WOuld love to hear more from you if you're up to it!

Cort. No. I don't think Illinois is on our radar, so to speak. We both (separtately, didn't know one another then) moved from the east coast to Oregon by way of an extended road trip across the country. While memorable and fun, not a destination choice at this point. We really want to go somewhere we haven't been.

Although the Grand Canyon is creeping back in (someone at VR just went there, didn't they?) Wondering if anyone has ever stayed at El Tovar on the South Rim? We did a very quick run through the canyon with the kids 12 years ago and have always wanted to go back, just the two of us.

Swim Mom. We know many people who have thoroughly loved their Eurpoean cruise.....we're thinking about it. We did an Alaska/ Northwest Passage cruise on an enormous ship on her maiden voyage and it was, well, amazing! Frighteningly expensive, though, we thought. My husband is the bargain hunter....I'll get him on it!! He did come home the other day with black ski masks and some leather gloves implying that it was my turn to choose the bank!! :p :p :p

Georgia. I do hope the BMI thing is overrated.....but it can't hurt to try a little. Mostly to keep the BP down, and that's the thing my surgeon said was the most important factor in maintaining the life of my new valve......maintain a low bp.

Thanks all!! Keep those travel ideas coming!! :D

I've sent away for a Maine travel guide, and will probably do the same with Vermont and NH. The Blue Harbor House looks very comfy. This might be really good......

Adam. My husband and I have always wanted to see Charleston! What are some of your favorite thing to tell people to do there? Would love to hear more from you if you're up to it!

Maguerite, I have to throw my two cents in: if you do decide on ME, NH and VT, you have to include Southeastern CT- Mystic Seaport, the Casinos, beautiful shorelines and of course our place - would love to meet you. Dick and I have stopped in Charleston many times on the way home from FL. It's a beautiful city and the oysters are fantastic. I believe it was a Mariott that we stayed in this year and it was just a few miles from downtown and was a beautiful facility. There are also many beautiful b&b's and Inns right downtown. Adam, being a native, can better describe his beautiful city. Dick and I are considering a fall transatlantic crossing on the Queen Mary. The year before his operation, we fulfilled one of his life long dreams and took the QEII just before it was decommissioned and now he yearns to take the Queen Mary- tell us which bank you rob so we don't hit the same one!:D
I am so happy to hear that everything is going so well. Good luck on choosing a final vacation destination, sounds like you have plenty of ideas. Keep up the good work, you have truly been an inspiration. See you at cardio-rehab.
Dear Marguerite,
Why limit yourself to one destination?:eek: :eek:
Maybe one trip this fall and one next spring?
You have alot of living to do, so Live It UP!!!
Well, Marguerite, why not a sentimental journey down the Blue Ridge Parkway? Lots of mountain lodging, trails to hike, birds to watch, breathtaking vistas. If you made the trip in fall, there's no finer place to see Nature's fall foliage.
Marguerite53 said:
Well, I knew when I answered Cort's question that this would turn into a travel guide thread!! And WHAT FUN!!


Well, I'm not "Mr Road Trip" for nothin' ;). Seriously, tho, yes, this has been a fun "hijacking" of sorts!

Marguerite53 said:
Cort. No. I don't think Illinois is on our radar, so to speak. We both (separtately, didn't know one another then) moved from the east coast to Oregon by way of an extended road trip across the country. While memorable and fun, not a destination choice at this point. We really want to go somewhere we haven't been.


Understood ... no worries!

I, too, like going to places I haven't been, but at the same time, I like returning to places I have been ... mostly because I've developed friends in the areas I've been. But, when I go "back" somewhere, I tend to do something different ... whether it is the route I take ... or the places I go in the region ... or ... whatever ... something changes. Makes it interesting that way. And, really, the ironic thing is that I've been discovering roads around here that I've never been on ... kinda weird ;).

At any rate, be sure to post your chosen destination!

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