That's great, Der Bier! (I, too, would call you DB if it weren't for the fact that in these parts....DB is the notorious DB Cooper and I would forever picture you with dark black sunglasses and no upper lip! Anyway, Der Bier sounds somewhat like De Beers so I can always think of your "sparkling" presence here..........

I always thought that when a person finally got back to "normal" on the spirometer, the little yellow thing would hit the top and you'd hear a bell ringing, like the strongman hammer thing at the county fair!!
I blew past 3000 the other day with ease and that really pleased me. I'm solid on the walking thing now, so maybe that is key

rolleyes: ya think??). Personally, though, I still maintain it's the singing that keeps my lungs strong.
I suspect I won't be satisfied until I hear the "ding"!! Sounds like
you're definitely good to go, though! Nice work, sir!!