Hoping soon to hear from David (Mtbiker)

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
Had an e-mail from him at midnight last night..He was giving his wife, Vicky, my mobile phone # to call me. No news........which is always..good news.:) ..Maybe she will post tomorrow. Bonnie
We're all waiting and sending positive energy David's way! He's had lots of practice climbing mountains on his bike so now he'll breeze over this mouintain
Speaking of sending positive energy his way...I rode one of his favorite trails yesterday (Yargo) and while I was riding I was visualizing him in ICU smiling and seeing what I was seeing,reacting to the trail as I was reacting to the trail.Sounds kinda loony but those really were my thoughts.Then I began visualizing him in room 323(Bonnies room ?) grinning,surrounded by family.
Great News

Great News

Vicky, David's wife just called..Everything went great..got a tissue valve..She said, he was sitting up in a chair with no vent when she went back to see him last night...She was at home...and getting ready to go back. He will be moved to a private room today.......He can get patient -email......www.stjosephsatlanta.org Look on left hand side ..you will see patient e-mail. His name is David Stewart...Bonnie
All the very best to David and a big boost of whatever-it-takes-to-help-see-a-loved-one-through-this to Vicky!:)
So glad to hear this. Wonder if David used that bike to climb the big mountain. :) Betcha he'll be riding again before too long -- but first will allow himself time for healing, we hope.
Thanks Bonnie!! I've sent him an email. It works quite easily!

Looking forward to hearing more details, but SO GLAD it's textbook stuff so far!

Way to go, David!! :D

Thanks for such good news, Bonnie. Will send him an email as well.
cooker said:
tried to send David an email but nothing happened when I clicked submit:mad:
I had the same problem- kept saying my phone number was invalid, but finally got it to go when I put it in this form XXX-XXX-XXXX.
Thanks for letting us know Bonnie. Hope David has a boring recovery.;) :) ;)
Such good news

Such good news

Another one successfully over the mountain.

Those biking muscles will come in handy for your successful recovery, David. So glad to hear that everything went well.

Great News!!
You will be back on that bike in no time:)
Excellent!!! I have been thinking about him during the last 2 days! I'm glad he is doing well !:D
:D That's great news - I'm sure he'll be back on his bike in no time.

Sending lots of virtual hugs to Vicky too :D

Vicky sounded so cute and giddy this morning. Happiness..remembered..she said..when she went back to ICU..he was sitting in a chair and asking for his/a Book.?:D And that was last night after his surgery yesterday morning:D ..I love hospitals that have patient e-mail..When I was going thru my stuff from my surgery at St. Joseph's..saw several that I had received from out of town family.:) I sent him one today, too..no problem..They were on large sheets of paper..so, one can write a lot. Bonnie

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