Pediatric/ACHD cardio in Dallas TX?

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catwoman Supporter
Supporting Member
Sep 23, 2003
near Fort Worth TX
My sister asked me to query folks here.
Her son, who just turned 21 last month and is working on at least an MS, probably a PhD in computer engineering & design, was diagnosed today with high blood pressure -- 136/96. I think she said he wasn't feeling well, so he went to the PCP and voila! got an EKG, blood drawn, an Rx for Toprol.
Nancy wants him to consult a cardio. They live in Dallas. He could go to my former cardio, but since Ryan's only 21, she (and I agree) thinks he should go to someone who handles lots of young people or children.
My sister is an RN & Ryan's sister is also an RN, so we've got some medical background in the family and therefore can understand more than some people can.
Ryan had his gall bladder out @ age 10 or 11 -- congenital defects in the duct work that had made him sick over about 2 years' time. His sister had the same thing. Ryan takes Pepcid, some Rxes because he's unable to digest a lot of stuff others can. Don't now what those Rxes are, if they can cause BP problems.

This could be BP problems because of stress in school. Ryan is a string bean, about 6'2", probably 150 pounds is my guess. His dad takes statins -- family-related cholesterol problems.

Nancy would appreciate names of cardios in Dallas TX who work with a lot of children or young folks. I'll funnel the names to her.
here is a list of CHD centers
I checked the adult CHd site and didn't see any ACHD specialty centers in texas, maybe you could contact them and ask if they know of any ACHD docs in texas, I'm having trouble getting on the site but they do have a list of the centers under resources, i don't know much about Texas, but maybe on of the centers in a different state wouldn't be too far, Lyn
ps here is the link to the achd centers
Marsh, I am so sorry to hear this..............

Marsh, I am so sorry to hear this..............

HOpe your nephew is okay and it is just stress. I am not sure what the cutoff age limit is for the transition from ped cards to adult cards. Does your sister suspect a congenital abnormality? Anyway, I am quite certain that Dallas Children's has an adult CHD program. Possibly Medical City as well since that is where Adam (Adamsmom) is having his Ross done next week. Heart-to-Heart is our local heart group. Sally Pearson is the president and a real gem. She is quite in the know as to what is available in the Dallas area for our heart kids. Her son John is sixteen and has had a heart transplant. I am going to PM you with her e-mail addy. Just tell her I sent ya. Hugs. J. And do please keep us posted.
Lyn & Janet:

I've forwarded your info to my sister.

I forgot to add that Ryan was having some tachycardia yesterday when he was at the PCP's office. I had several episodes of tachycardia post-op, so I know how he must have felt -- really yucko!
My cardio is with the North Texas Heart Center. They have a great group of cardios and I am sure they will have a cardio that specializes in that age group. They have offices in a lot of the hospitals in the DFW area. My cardio is Dr. Guerra and I started seeing him when I was 31...not sure how young his patients get though. I actually see him tomorrow for my yearly follow up so I can ask him then.
sorry about that...i went to the website and i guess they do not update it very much. i know that they are going to close the location at medical city and have already opened one in mckinney and they have other cardios in their group that are not listed on the website. i do know some of the ones listed have read my past echoes. my cardio's name is ricardo guerra, jr. he is pretty nice and easy to talk to and explain things. he works out of presby. mainly but also works out of mckinney as well. the number at presby is 214-361-3300. you can call and ask about him or ask for a cardio that specializes in younger patients. oh the way...dr. guerra doesn't speak spanish...tried to be funny and speak some tex-mex...didn't help :D if you need anymore info let me know....i have an appointment with him today at 1:00.
I live in Dallas and have been seeing my cardiologist for about 5 years. Her name is Dr. Melissa Carry. I see young people, in their 20's, in the office every so often. The name of the group is Cardiology Consultants of Texas. Their website is My pediatric cardiologist was Dr. David Fixler at Childrens Medical Center, he was fantastic, I just decided to move to an adult cardiologist. If there is anything else I can help you with, just let me know.
Hi Catwoman from Aledo- I was in your little town this week. Adam uses a Dr. Kao from Medical City. She is affiliated with Dr. Mendeloff who will do Adam's surgery. He was referred to us by Dr. Ryan- who is pretty famous in this area. Anyway, seems to be a good circle to be associated with. In Fort Worth, Dr. Lai at Cooks is wonderful. Can't imagine anyone not loving him. I don't know if he has an age limit or not, but would be worth a call. I hope this all doesn't end up being too serious. Good Luck!
Brent & Jancy:

Thanks for the additional names. Will give them to my sister.

My nephew reached me while I was grocery shopping this afternoon. He thanked me for my phone call earlier this week checking on him. I found out more about what's going on. He said his BP problems started in January. He had a routine physical late last week or Monday and told the doctor about his elevated BP for the last several months, based on readings at home. Ryan is not taking any courses this summer, only working 20 hours a week on a graduate project, and he thought his BP would drop.
He said he's had "skipped heartbeats" -- my guess is probably PVCs, and I told him I occasionally get them.

Ryan agrees that a visit to a cardio is in order -- better to check it out than be an ostrich, he said. And he appreciates all leads on a cardio who works with younger people.

He said the Toprol helped for one day, but BP is back up.

What part of Aledo were you in? The Aledo ZIP code actually extends into parts of Fort Worth and other cities. We live in the city limits, within walking distance of the post office & city hall. Actually, Aledo is so small that I could walk to all the city limits. It'd be a good walk, might need a sag wagon!
I go to a convenience store that is just over the tracks, right where the road curves. Do you know where I am talking about? I think it's in the middle of town- probably a stones throw from you?
Ryan has a cardiology appointment Thursday (6/22). Not sure who he'll be seeing.
My sister realized he was on Rescon, a decongestant that does cause cardiac problems, so she jumped on her son's doctor and got that Rx stopped. Discontinuing the drug helped some, but Ryan apparently is still having some problems, according to his mom. Ryan, being a male :D and being young :D :D , doesn't own up to much. He's invincible!

BTW, my sister has a friend who had rheumatic fever as a child & is having cardiac problems -- fatigue, SOB, etc., etc., the same I had pre-op. She's trying to convince the friend to get her heart checked out.

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