Well-known member
I just found this forum and sure wish I had found it sooner. It's a wealth of information and it sure helps the anxiety hearing other people's experiences are not so different from mine.
I had a mitral value repair and closure of an atrial septal defect. Even though I had a significant mitral regurgitation, I didn't have really noticable symptoms and was very surprised to discover I needed heart surgery. Because of that I do feel much worse today due to the surgery than I did before but it was a situation of short term pain for long term gain. The GP, Cardiologist, and Cardiac Surgeon all said if left unattended, it would be big trouble down the road.
Anyway, surgery went fine and I was home in 5 days. However, in week 3 I felt really bad. Absolutely no energy, no appetitie, and feeling very bloated. At first I thought is was from being "plugged up" by the meds but it ended up being Pericardial Tamponade. I got the fluid drained in the OR and then 5 days in hospital. The Cardiologist said this could reoccur but (knock wood) so far so good. Anybody heard of this reoccuring after 14 weeks?
After that episode, my recovery went pretty smoothly. I went back to work at week 12. I thought I was feeling pretty good but going back to work was a real eye opener. I don't have a "physical" type job but man was I tired and sore after the first day, mostly my back, shoulders, and neck.
At week 14, I still find my chest area quite sensitive. I don't require any pain meds but it feels like a really bad case of sunburn. It's like my skin is one size too small or they sewed me up too tight. I feel best when I'm shirtless but I can't go to work that way
Seat belts really bug me so I don't drive too far. Luckly I commute to work by train. Tried riding my bike (a Harley) last week. I didn't go too far. It felt great to get out but I was very tiring. I think I will have to resign myself to the fact my riding this year will be severly curtailed. I definately feel the weather....the heat and humidity the past 2 weeks have been brutal ....the incisions are really itchy and I find myself short of breath. I tried itching cream but I didn't find it helped too much.
I had a mitral value repair and closure of an atrial septal defect. Even though I had a significant mitral regurgitation, I didn't have really noticable symptoms and was very surprised to discover I needed heart surgery. Because of that I do feel much worse today due to the surgery than I did before but it was a situation of short term pain for long term gain. The GP, Cardiologist, and Cardiac Surgeon all said if left unattended, it would be big trouble down the road.
Anyway, surgery went fine and I was home in 5 days. However, in week 3 I felt really bad. Absolutely no energy, no appetitie, and feeling very bloated. At first I thought is was from being "plugged up" by the meds but it ended up being Pericardial Tamponade. I got the fluid drained in the OR and then 5 days in hospital. The Cardiologist said this could reoccur but (knock wood) so far so good. Anybody heard of this reoccuring after 14 weeks?
After that episode, my recovery went pretty smoothly. I went back to work at week 12. I thought I was feeling pretty good but going back to work was a real eye opener. I don't have a "physical" type job but man was I tired and sore after the first day, mostly my back, shoulders, and neck.
At week 14, I still find my chest area quite sensitive. I don't require any pain meds but it feels like a really bad case of sunburn. It's like my skin is one size too small or they sewed me up too tight. I feel best when I'm shirtless but I can't go to work that way
Seat belts really bug me so I don't drive too far. Luckly I commute to work by train. Tried riding my bike (a Harley) last week. I didn't go too far. It felt great to get out but I was very tiring. I think I will have to resign myself to the fact my riding this year will be severly curtailed. I definately feel the weather....the heat and humidity the past 2 weeks have been brutal ....the incisions are really itchy and I find myself short of breath. I tried itching cream but I didn't find it helped too much.