Just found this forum at week 14

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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2006
Waterdown, Ontario Canada
I just found this forum and sure wish I had found it sooner. It's a wealth of information and it sure helps the anxiety hearing other people's experiences are not so different from mine.

I had a mitral value repair and closure of an atrial septal defect. Even though I had a significant mitral regurgitation, I didn't have really noticable symptoms and was very surprised to discover I needed heart surgery. Because of that I do feel much worse today due to the surgery than I did before but it was a situation of short term pain for long term gain. The GP, Cardiologist, and Cardiac Surgeon all said if left unattended, it would be big trouble down the road.

Anyway, surgery went fine and I was home in 5 days. However, in week 3 I felt really bad. Absolutely no energy, no appetitie, and feeling very bloated. At first I thought is was from being "plugged up" by the meds but it ended up being Pericardial Tamponade. I got the fluid drained in the OR and then 5 days in hospital. The Cardiologist said this could reoccur but (knock wood) so far so good. Anybody heard of this reoccuring after 14 weeks?

After that episode, my recovery went pretty smoothly. I went back to work at week 12. I thought I was feeling pretty good but going back to work was a real eye opener. I don't have a "physical" type job but man was I tired and sore after the first day, mostly my back, shoulders, and neck.

At week 14, I still find my chest area quite sensitive. I don't require any pain meds but it feels like a really bad case of sunburn. It's like my skin is one size too small or they sewed me up too tight. I feel best when I'm shirtless but I can't go to work that way ;)

Seat belts really bug me so I don't drive too far. Luckly I commute to work by train. Tried riding my bike (a Harley) last week. I didn't go too far. It felt great to get out but I was very tiring. I think I will have to resign myself to the fact my riding this year will be severly curtailed. I definately feel the weather....the heat and humidity the past 2 weeks have been brutal ....the incisions are really itchy and I find myself short of breath. I tried itching cream but I didn't find it helped too much.

Hi, Wayne. Glad you finally found us.

Recovery is generally in fits and starts. A couple good days; a bad day. And yes, returning to work is an eye-opener (in my case, eye-closer). But it gets better.

Have you tried Vit E oil for the incision? Get the small bottle that's expensive & the oil is very gooey. You'll definitely need to wear an undershirt to avoid staining your clothes. I found that daily use avoided the itching and pulling. And you'll continue to feel the weather for a long time. Two Tylenol Arthritis formula will pretty much fix that.

I hope you're going to cardiac rehab, or at least walking/exercising regularly. At this point in your recovery it'll be the most important thing to get going. It's hard to make time for it, but it appears to be the one thing that really makes a difference.

Again, glad you found us.
Hello and welcome aboard, Wayne. Sounds like you had a bit of a scare with that pericardial tamponade. You've definitely come to the right place for support, information, empathy...and lots of other experiences.
Welcome Wayne,
I agree with Georgia - Vitamin E oil - best thing in the world for helping incisions be comfortable and also helps minimize scarring. I used it for all my surgeries.
There seems to be a lot of people lately who have had problems with pericardial fluid so you are not alone. Glad you got past that OK.
Please let us know how we can help.
Welcome Wayne

Welcome Wayne

So glad you found us. If you can find the Vit E capsules it is probably cheaper. Just poke a hole in the capsule and use the oil on the scar. Don't know about the tamponade but glad you are past that. I learned from other people here that it takes at least a year to recover from OHS. I am 9 months out and the only reason I am home on a beautiful Sat is being tired out shopping. Getting ready to take a nap. We had house guests for one week and they just left. UP too late every night. Take care and wecome.
ROSS!! :eek: This nice man has only been with us for a few days!! :p :p

Hello, Wayne. Glad you decided to join us.

My skin feels sunburned, too!! I am 7 weeks post op and it is getting better, but not gone. Be sure that your clothes are 100% cotton, undershirts and all. That should help with the softness and coolness of the rub. Also, silk and rayon are said to be quite comfy. PLEASE do not travel in your car without your seatbelt!! You have come this far, don't crack your head open because your chest is irritable!!

Welcome aboard. Your insights and experiences will do wonders for those who have just discovered their condition, or who are waiting patiently (I waited 3 years). Thanks for popping in!

WayneGM said:
Tried riding my bike (a Harley) last week. I didn't go too far. It felt great to get out but I was very tiring. I think I will have to resign myself to the fact my riding this year will be severly curtailed.

I took my first ride yesterday on my Wing (almost 8 weeks post-op). A little over a 100 miles on a charity ride for the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation. ( here in Richmond, we raised 85 grand!!). Have to say the riding felt GREAT. I could have easily done what I normally like to do -- a 500 mile ride.

Sorry you are having the difficulty you are Wayne. Can I ask how much exercise you are getting? I push walking here on the forum -- I really do attribute all my success to the amount of walking I've done since surgery.
85 grand! Must have been a big ride. Congrats!

I think a lot of the discomfort with the bike was that I was feeling pretty achy because it was so hot and humid. Hopefully the arthristis formula tylenol will help. :p I got out for a ride twice that weekend and went about 100 kms each time (I think that's around 60 miles) but the ache in my neck and shoulders was to the point I was relieved to get home. The hardest part physically was manoeuvring it out of the garage. Once I was on the road, managing the bike itself felt pretty normal.

While I was off work, I walked around the neighbourhood 1 to 1.5 hours a day (not sure what the distance would be). Since I started back to work, it's been harder to find the time. Because I take the train to work, I'm stuck with their schedule so I leave the house at 6:00am and don't get home until 6:00pm. That makes for a long day so I'm not in the mood to go out once I get home. However, the walk between the train and the office is about 20 minutes each way with the added weight on my laptop so I am getting some exercise. It rained most of last weekend so I didn't get out much either. I've thinking maybe I should get a treadmill.

I've lost about 15 lbs since the surgery, which I think is significant given I only weighed 147 lbs before (I'm only 5' 7"). Now I'm down to 132 lbs and don't seem to be regaining although I am eating well. I asked my GP about it but doesn't seem too concerned.
Welcome aboard Wayne...better late than never. Watch out for people like Ross!!! We can't take him anywhere!!!!!!! ;)

I had some post-op probs with fluid build up in my lungs, but after a couple of 'tappings' (ross - hush!) I was back to normal...well as normal as I get! It's amazing how a little or a lot of fluid can suck the life right out of you and just as amazing how fantastic you feel when it's removed.
I still have that tightness in my chest too like they stitched me up too tight...but I'll go with too tight anyday! I use the vitamin E capsules on the bottom 3/4 of my incision and Mederma on the top lumpy part. I think I might be weird though. It's like the top part which people will see is worthy of a little bit more expensive stuff. Go figure. I don't understand me either.
I'm getting ready to get back on my bike and it looks like I am going to be cheating by doing so. I'm 9 weeks out. I swear I'm not going to be doing wheelies or anything fancy....just riding along. My chest muscles are always sore regardless. I don't know when that will go away. I swear I think they beat me while I was under and open. I feel like I should be covered with bruises but I don't have any.
Ok, well once again. Welcome and I hope we don't frighten you too much!
WayneGM said:
85 grand! Must have been a big ride. Congrats!

I think a lot of the discomfort with the bike was that I was feeling pretty achy because it was so hot and humid. Hopefully the arthristis formula tylenol will help. :p I got out for a ride twice that weekend and went about 100 kms each time (I think that's around 60 miles) but the ache in my neck and shoulders was to the point I was relieved to get home. The hardest part physically was manoeuvring it out of the garage. Once I was on the road, managing the bike itself felt pretty normal.

While I was off work, I walked around the neighbourhood 1 to 1.5 hours a day (not sure what the distance would be). Since I started back to work, it's been harder to find the time. Because I take the train to work, I'm stuck with their schedule so I leave the house at 6:00am and don't get home until 6:00pm. That makes for a long day so I'm not in the mood to go out once I get home. However, the walk between the train and the office is about 20 minutes each way with the added weight on my laptop so I am getting some exercise. It rained most of last weekend so I didn't get out much either. I've thinking maybe I should get a treadmill.

I've lost about 15 lbs since the surgery, which I think is significant given I only weighed 147 lbs before (I'm only 5' 7"). Now I'm down to 132 lbs and don't seem to be regaining although I am eating well. I asked my GP about it but doesn't seem too concerned.

Yes - at 40 mins per day, you are doing fine with the exercise. So .... just keep being positive and in time you will feel great. This obviously hits (the feeling great part) all of us at different times. I've read a lot of stories on here from people one to two years out that said it took them 6 months or so to get to that point.

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