Going in tomorrow 6/6

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Adam T

OK, I'm ready to go. I had my work-up today. I'm going in at 6:00 for my AVR. I found out today that I'm getting a St. Jude valve.

I'm not too nervous yet. Lot's of friends and family here being very supportive. Good luck to all those having surgery this week. I'll log back on in a week. See ya everybody. ;)
Lots of prayers and good wishes being sent your way. I feel silly wishing people luck. It isn't luck it is the skill of the team and your determination that gets you through this. I know you will do well.
Best wishes, Adam. Look forward to hearing from you when you return. I know you will do just fine!
Will be thinking and praying for you. See you on this side of the mountain!
Prayers winging your way, Adam. Have a boring surgery and uneventful hospitalization. We'll be looking for a post about you.

Best of luck; hang in there - strangely enough, it's not as bad as it seems (or looks).
You'll Be Fine

You'll Be Fine

That's my mantra, anyway. And it's true. Glad you're calm. i will be looking for your post op post.

Blessings Adam

Blessings Adam

I will send positive thoughts your way early tommorow morning Adam. I will soon be in your shoes as I await my date with the surgeons. Best to you, Sandy
Thank you all very much. I'll post when I get home. All of your posts have been a great encouragement while I've been waiting for my surgery.
Oh! Sorry I missed you! Good luck, good luck! Stay optimisitic! Smile at everyone and they will smile back!! Will keep you in mind all day tomorrow. Looking forward to a great report!

:) Marguerite
They say you just need to show up...

They say you just need to show up...

...and the hospital will do the rest -- it is true!! Remeber to ask for heated blankets. Sending prayers your way for an uneventful surgery and complete recovery.

I know it will be crowded but we will all be there with you to welcome you to this side of the mountain. Happy climbing.
Adam- Me and my Adam are thinking of you, and praying for smooth sailing right through this for you. Looking forward to a report.
We're with you

We're with you

You have the positive spirit and good wishes of so many of us who have gone before you.

We're looking forward to your next post, Adam.

Warm regards,

Think of you

Think of you

Hoping and praying that everything is going well for you. We are looking forward to hearing all about your uneventful surgery and recovery!


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