GymGuy 22-months update - Powerlifting, 10k runs and other fun stuff

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Well-known member
Jan 3, 2011
Rockville, MD
I have been visiting here sporadically, but completely forgot to update you guys on some huge accomplishments (for me) that I've achieved in the past 3-4 months.
First, and most importantly, I see the everyone is doing relatively well, and old-timers are still helping out the newbs and others alike and I think this is awesome!!! From the bottom of my fixed heart thanks to all that keep on being a great support group.

I have been doing well. I competed in 3 powerlifting competitions last year (2013) and even ran Bethesda Turkey Chase 10km run on Thanksgiving Day. What's funny is that while my powerlifting competitions are very memorable to me, the training for a 10k run, really took me out of my comfort zone and had me put forth lots of considerable effort even if in a short amount of time.

I trained for 4 weeks and ran the 10k in around 1hr, 12 minutes. Some of you know, that I really dislike running, but a friend challenged me and I stepped up to it. 4 weeks of training, 3 times per week, about 12 miles per week and the actual 10k (6.25 miles) did not seem so bad. My speed was not the best, but what can you expect with less than 50 miles on the tires. My goal going into the race was to run the whole thing without walking and about quarter mile to the finish line not only did I not walk I actually picked up the pace and sprinted. I guess I paced myself a bit more than needed. ;)

On to powerlifting. I was able to finally set my new record in Deadlift at 601lbs and even set a new personal Squat record 485lbs and a small Bench press record 325lbs in September, 2013. It did take me 18 months of training after surgery to get there, but our bodies are phenomenal in that they allow us to recover, grow, and get better in that which we put our mind to. Of course, it is also luck, higher powers, and the skill of surgical team during replacement and installation of new parts which allowed my body to integrate them well and adopt to their usage. ;)

I do have a video of my last competition and I will attach it here in case you wanted to see it:
Competition on September 14th, 2013 (18 months after surgery): SQ: 485lbs, BP: 325lbs, DL: 601lbs. My weight was around 195 or so.
Here is similar lifting just 10 days earlier in the gym for practice:

Other than my training and sports, things are going well with the family, job, etc. As I mentioned before, most of the time I do not even remember that I had this surgery. The only reminders at this point are my weekly blood tests (I self test at home). I take my warfain with my nightly vitamins, and since I take K supps in the AM and PM my veggie intake, while varies, does not affect my INR too much. I stay in 2.3-2.5 range almost consistently, and do bruise a bit easier than before.

Hope everyone is doing as well as it appears and that you all keep on staying active and kicking butt in general.

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Nice update and congrats on both competitions. Not bad for a 10K on only 50 miles of training. I think over time most of us, like you, don't even remember having surgery; it most likely comes with the territory.
That is great news! Hey that 10K running time is fast and a big congrats on weightlifting record!
Well done woohoo and keep on kicking a$$ ! Special congrats on the 10km run - power lifters are NOT built for running!!!!

No, we are not. Though, after doing the 10k, in sub-zero temps (it was 27F, when I ran) I decided to do another one in the spring when its nice and pretty out and then maybe a half-marathon in a year or two. Even though all the training sucked, as hard as it is to admit, it was kind of fun and I felt great just running and feeling the wind in my face, etc.
GymGuy, those are some pretty impressive numbers with or without surgery! I am impressed. I want you to know that reading your posts here gave me the confidence I needed to get back in the game after my big event. I came here looking to prove to myself that i could still do it. This site was just what I needed. And you're right, most of us were blessed with luck, higher powers and a great surgical team that wanted to see us make it back and live life.
GymGuy -- you are truly an ANIMAL! I have been impressed with both your attitude and your accomplishments. You are an inspiration to all those who travel this path and hope to return to their former fitness levels. Thanks for stopping by - and don't be a stranger!
GymGuy - so great to hear from you again!!! I also agree - you're just so inspiring - keep it up!

Oh - and the running?!?!?!? How cool is that???

You know what would be super fun - is if you joined us for our runs in either March (Cincinnati) and/or in October (Grand Rapids) - bunch of heart people will be there - you could run another 10K......or half! I know, I know - "you're not a runner" -'d be so cool to meet you!

Thanks to all for kind words. You know, I come here to emphasize normalcy and make sure it propagates ;) Ha!

Those races do sound enticing. I would love to do another 5-10k in the near term. Both of these are pretty far from DC area, which is where I am at. Would love to hangout with you guys, though!

I rephrased your quote to fit how I see your posts

Thanks to all for kind words. You know, I come here to emphasize the benefits of living life without fear and challenging yourself and what benefits it brings, and make sure it propagates ;) Ha!

Those races do sound enticing. I would love to do another 5-10k in the near term. Both of these are pretty far from DC area, which is where I am at. Would love to hangout with you guys, though!
Normalcy? Who wants to be NORMAL? We want to push the limits, whatever they may be, and we want others to know that whatever their own limits may be, they can always push for just a little bit more! Folks like TheGymGuy are examples of what can be done. The rest of us do our best to be our best. I think if we continue to encourage others to push, then eventually more people will realize that once we have our "valve jobs" we redefine our own limits and re-enter life to its fullest. Maybe I feel this way because so many of us feel as if we have been reborn (NO religious point intended). I call it sort of a mid-life "do-over."
Hi GymGuy, very impressive! I'm a bit behind of you, but now I know what to do in the coming 21 months :)
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@pellicle, Spot on, mate!
@steve e, you and many others totally get my purpose ;)
@tirone, you are not that far from where I live. Take a trip down here and we will train together for a day. At this point in your recovery, I think we would be speed interval walking together, and bodyweight squatting.
Thanks to all for kind words. You know, I come here to emphasize normalcy and make sure it propagates ;) Ha!

Those races do sound enticing. I would love to do another 5-10k in the near term. Both of these are pretty far from DC area, which is where I am at. Would love to hangout with you guys, though!

Ah come on, I travel from Texas. [URL=""][URL=""]HEART[/URL][/URL] is the place to be and we can turn you into a runner in no time via internet. The motivation is there, the support is there, we all get it and love to push the limits. These folks are fun to hang out with, you won't know what you're missing until you join us........:D

Your recovery and motivation is such a positive contribution to this forum. I have followed you since your surgery. You have come a long way.
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