zone out?

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Went to cardio yesterday, after hearing my vascular is equal to an 80 year old..:eek: (Im 49...:eek: ), and to continue as I have. Id forgotten to ask him about my zoning out episodes.
Its vision will kind off darken..ears plug up cant see/hear under water?
It happens throuhout my days, no trigger point that I can see...
Anyone else in the Twilight Zone? If so ,any ideas on cause?
Im sometimes afraid to cook, or do this is happening a lot. Thankyou for listening, love the pup
I had that happen all the time before my valve replacement. It's pressure related I do believe.
Ross said:
I had that happen all the time before my valve replacement. It's pressure related I do believe.
Do you mean blood pressure Ross? Mine was always very high... even after surgery, as high as 185/110, new doc added accupril to my arsenal, and last check was 126/70 in right arm..they cant pull up pressure on left :eek:
, too many occlusions...

I think the accupril has helped as swelling has dissipated somewhat..just dont like zoning :eek: Thankyou Ross:)
Hi Yaps, sorry to hear about your episodes. That must be very scary for you. Had you considered calling/going back to your cardio and letting him know about these episodes?

And by the way, there are some 80 year olds who actually have great vascular systems! So much for his comparison!
Call him

Call him

Yaps. The last time I had an echo and asked the snappy young technician how I was doing, he said "fine, for someone with the heart of a 75 year old". I'm 51! I did not really need to hear it quite that way. Where do they get off being so insensitive!

You definitely need to call your cardio or the very least, a nurse, and tell them about your zoning out. If you are afraid to cook then it is completley interfering with your quality of life and they really need to know about it. I honestly think, when symptoms become that invasive, it's time for some professional guidance. Please call them!!


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