Zell Oxygen

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Has anyone heard of this or tried it? Apparently it's supposed to help the red blood cells absorb more oxygen, therefore helping fight off fatigue. My chiropractor has given me a bottle to try (and it is apparently available from health food stores) to see if it helps give me some more energy - which is something I thought worth trying (he has a few cancer patients who say it has really helped them).

Problem is, the taste is AWFUL!!!! And the smell isn't much better either! I'm struggling to find the will to keep forcing it down long enough to see if there's any benefits (today was my second dose) which is why I thought I'd see if anyone else had tried it. They recommend having it with beetroot juice (BLEEAAARRRRGGGHHH!!!!!) and today I tried it with a really strong dose of coffee - not that I usually drink coffee, but I was hoping the stong flavour and aroma would help. Not much! It's like trying to find something to make vomit taste good :( (..sorry - but it truly is vile..).

Hopefully I can summon the strength to finish this bottle and if I have any success and start feeling more energised from it, I'll let you know.

Anna : )
Personal opinion after looking at the site, it's a gimmick. Never tried anything like it, so I really don't know. ;)
I figured it couldn't hurt to give it a try - nothing ventured,nothing gained, yada, yada, yada.... I've since found that mixing it with a little milk and a good shot of peppermint essence does a LOT to help, so I'll finish this lot and see if I think it's worthwhile taking anymore. So far I've not really noticed any difference, but then I've only tried it for a few days and forgot on Saturday (whoops!).

A : )
I heard on my car radio the other something about taking a gulp of oxygen and then a gulp of alcohol to enhance the booze. This is a new way to drink? The powers that be are thinking of banning it. It has a name, but I don't recall it.