Yule Cat

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2005
Louisville, Kentucky
We discovered that our cat, Boots, is a fruitcake fiend. Cindy made a loaf fruitcake and Boots has been trying his best to eat it. We have caught him several times nudging the covering off the cake and getting a nibble. So we had to put it away. The only other things he's been as determined to get to are tuna and milk. So, guess he's in the Christmas spirit. I'm going to try to attach a couple of pictures. One of them will show Cindy's hands; she's feeding him a little bit of fruitcake (don't worry we didn't give him the raisins and don't think he got farter than the edge on his own). The pic is just to show his face.
Although I like fruitcake, Wise, I know many people don't. Maybe you could recruit the fruit cake haters out there to send any unwanted fruit cakes to Boots!:)
Wise said:
After I reviewed this second picture, I've decided that Boots is drunk from the bourbon in the cake.
Hmm, either that or your about to have your arm torn off. :eek:
I was just going to say - it may be the booze that Boots loves. He does look like a bit of a lush.:D
Ross said:
Hmm, either that or your about to have your arm torn off. :eek:

Yeah, that was the other option to explain his expression. However, he is as vicious as a marshmallow. I just couldn't get him to look at me the way I wanted. I could put the picture on the front door with "Beware of Cat" posted.
Karlynn said:
I was just going to say - it may be the booze that Boots loves. He does look like a bit of a lush.:D

Yeah and he'd better watch it. The bible does say "don't be drunk with fruitcake" doesn't it?
Ross said:
Hmm, either that or your about to have your arm torn off. :eek:

I can read cats' facial expressions and this one says - 'this is mine, mine alone, don't even think about it, hear? This is my last warning.' He might be a marshmallow, but I wouldn't mess with his food.

or, as you say, he might be just drunk as a skunk!:D :p

wonder who ever came up with that? I have never seen a drunk skunk.
hensylee said:
I can read cats' facial expressions and this one says - 'this is mine, mine alone, don't even think about it, hear? This is my last warning.' He might be a marshmallow, but I wouldn't mess with his food.

or, as you say, he might be just drunk as a skunk!:D :p

wonder who ever came up with that? I have never seen a drunk skunk.

Ann, you may have something here because this kitty is rather intense about food. He LIKE it. He LOVE it. He GOTTA HAVE it. Our girl kitty eats her food but doesn't really beg for ours like Boots does. Maybe we just haven't pushed him over the edge yet. On the marshmallow side, sometimes he cries until Cindy will feed him by hand; a few minutes of that and he's happy (a bonding issue, or control issue maybe).