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Kevin M

I'm sitting here in my office looking out the window and it's snowing. The forecast is for more snow all week.

Why did I ever choose to live in this Godforsaken frozen wasteland?

I wish I was looking off Anne's front porch. It looks far more appealing!
Soon grasshopper soon, it will no longer be snowing and things will brighten up. Ohio can't seem to make up it's mind either. It's not snowing, but it gets so cold at times that it could. 80 on one day and 38 the next. It's crazy.
Neither can durham, north carolina. We had a couple of weeks of 80's and now it's 50. Cold and rainy, a real nasty day. Have my winter coat on and the heat on. I was running the air, it was so stuffy.
You are welcome to join the party, Kev. My little sister and her husband arrived from Rochester Sunday and we have been on the porch nearly every minute when we are at home and not 'runnin the roads'. Rochester had the worst winter ever, as most of us did, and she and her husband are still in shock from it. She just sits in the rockin chair and says how wonderful it is to be warm. Like a mantra - lol
Florida sounds wonderful right about now!

We've received about 5 inches of snow over the past two days. We are supposed to get another couple of inches today and the forecast calls for an additional foot or so tomorrow.

It's not terribly cold (just below freezing), but it's the shock of having the trees beginning to bud and then getting dumped on with more of the white stuff. We all keep telling ourselves that the farmers need it to offset last years' drought. That's the silver lining, I guess.

Talk to ya later. I've got to go out and build a snowman...
Been to Edmonton one time and that was in February 1973. Mostly industry I saw. Not a pretty city I thought, but now I am talking 20 years ago. Maybe a lot has changed over those 20 years.
But what hasn't changed is the weather, and from what I can read, snow and dreary weather makes people long for bright lights and sunshine. I did too when I lived in Holland, and afterwards in Ontario, Canada. Winters are so terribly long and you really only get a few months of 'maybe if you're lucky' nice weather, and than the same thing starts all over again.
As most of you know I moved to the US in 1977 and now live in Arizona. I just love it here!
We've had temperatures in the mid to upper 80's so far this week, and it is absolutely gorgeous to be outside. Clear blue skies, palmtrees, cactus, swimming pools and beautiful mountain scenery. This is paradise!
As you can guess, no one can get me to move anywhere. Done moving!

Have a great one!
Hey Steve,
I hope it keeps snowing hard around the Great Lake's area, especially around Detroit so the Redwings can practice!!!! I still cannot convince myself hockey season is over for me. I'm from the Pacific Northwest, but I love Detroit hockey. :mad:
Hey Mark,
Yesterday it was about 75 here, today only mid-fifties and kind of damp.
Typical springtime in Michigan.
No more hockey this season:(
Looks like they are going for the younger set and letting some of the high priced older guys hit the road.
Well we don't have a baseball or football team, maybe the Pistons will stay alive.
Hello Rich,
I watched the Pistons play last night. They looked good! I hope they beat 'Pili'. I would love to see a Detroit - Sacramento match up.
We have had rains here in the midwest. I live in Missouri, but close to where the tornados hit last weekend. I live in the city and heard the sirens. Most people in the outlaying areas lost everything. We are still getting rain today and tonight. I will be glad when the rainey season is over already, even though we need the rain very badly. All take care and be good.

Aortic valve replacement
St.Jude's valve
I talked to Bonnie on Tuesday afternoon and she had spent part of the afternoon in the bathtub, not taking a bath. Tornadoes all round and her son, the policeman, told her to go there. She was at her son's apartment in Gainesville, Ga.

This is the first time I have heard her speak and you all ought to call her. She's so cute when she talks ; she's gotta be the most southern person in the membership! I could just sit and listen to her all afternoon.

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