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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2002
Okay, I have had it! The past year of being on coumadin hasn't been too big a deal, but the last month has really gotten to me. First, as school was drawing to a close, my INR was too low, and I couldn't seem to get it to come up, so I increased my dosage to 10 mg (with doc ok). And it was fine. It was around 3.4 when we left for our cruise. I was glad it was on the high side because I figured that would give me more freedom with my meal choices (knew I would be tempted by the salads). So after the cruise I wasn't real surprised to be down to 2.4, a little low, but managable (I'm in the 2.5-3.5 range). I did not change my dose, just cut back on the greens. I then went to Alabama to visit my father-in-law. While there we had practically nothing with much vit. K in it. But the meals weren't chosen by me, so I really didn't have much say in the matter. I came back and my INR was 4.6. So I ate more greens, but didn't want to overdo it like on the cruise. I checked again about 5 days later and it had only come down to 4.4. So I figured maybe it was time to cut the dose back to 9 mg like I had been on for most of the past year (again, with doc ok). Well, it's been a week since I cut back on the dose and today I got a reading of 6.8! And I know I've been eating small ammounts of vit. K each day. I don't get this. Should I talk to my card about double checking my home unit to the lab again? I haven't had to do that since I got the unit back in October. Maybe it's a false reading? But I have been bruising very easily, so it probably is high (my dog ran past me and bumped my foot, now I have a huge bruise accross the top)... ARG!!! Guess I'll be talking to my card tomorrow. I mean, I love the woman, but I much prefer our easy "how's it going" "everything's fine" conversations. (Did I ever tell you that she once called me while waiting for x-ray results on another patient just because she was thinking about me and wanted to know how I was doing? I love her!) She'll probably agree with me that I should go in and get a lab draw. I hate those. Hopefully my favorite lab lady will be there. I haven't seen her since I got my ProTime in October. I keep thinking of stopping by and saying hi, but never have. Guess I'll be doing that tomorrow...

Anyway, sorry to ramble and rant, but I needed to get that off my chest and hubby isn't here because he's at his first day of work (yippy!). It's a part time job at UPS, but it gives insurance to part time employees, so that's what's important while he gets his degree.

Thanks for listening,
Hi Niki-

I think that you should have the lab draw for peace of mind.

I hope everything gets straightened out asap. Let us know how it works out.
High reading

High reading

Hi Niki

I hope get straightened out soon. I just went through this last week and it is very frustrating!! I will never hold again!!
I hope your lab lady is there!!!

Take care,
Hi Niki,

Each and every summer since my MVR I go on a wild ride with my INR. Never fails. I have the data from the past four years.

So....as frustrating as it may be......I do understand. I am boucing all over the place recently.

Take care.
Some theories

Some theories

I know that a lot of my INR problems stem from the fact that I have not had a very steady diet throughout the summer because of my trips and whatnot. However, I have another theory as well.

Back in April I went to a new gyn doc to figure out something that could be done for birth control that would assure I wouldn't get another ovarian cyst, and possibly take away my period if at all possible (I'm not allowed to have kids, so why should I have to put up with THAT inconvenience?). So I ended up getting the Depo shot. The shot lasts 3 months and in *some* women has the side effect of taking away their period. Of course, this is the side effect they flaunt. However, there are *some* women who do get their periods, and then *some* precious few who get to have a period every day. I got to be in the last category. I had my period from May 24th to July 6th (at least, I'm hoping it's over. It fooled me once before). I did not get the next shot, because there was no way I was going through that again. So the gyn put me on the birth control pills I'd been on prior to my valve surgery, hoping that they would once again work for me. Granted, I'll have a period, but one week sure beats 5. By now the shot *should* have worn off, but I'm sure there is overlap time. Part of me still worries a little that another cyst might form one month, and if my INR is way up at 6.8, then they might not be able to patch me up as easily as last time. As it was, with an INR of 2.6 they had to give me 4 units of blood.

At any rate, I am sure that all the craziness with THAT part of my health is not helping in keeping my INR stable. I really wish I could have a hysterectomy, but the cyst situation means they would have to remove my ovaries to prevent another from forming, which would mean hormone replacement for the rest of my life. Not something I really want to fool with at 26. I just hope being back on loestrin will be like it was before and I won't have to worry anymore. This past year has been a roller coaster ride.

Thanks for reading. Sorry I keep going on so long.
Hey Niki,
I am with Nancy, get a lab draw. I hope you get everything worked out OK. Take Care

Keep your fires small!
Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
Heart Center of the Rockies
Well Niki, we are the fortunate ones.:(
As yourself, I have been fighting this "female" battle since my MVR. Most serious effect anemia. I have been following your situation and very sorry. Being so young makes it difficult. My doctors up north along with my former docs down south have similar feelings on HRT, Depro, etc. Will not permit it. They feel risks outweight beneifts. Worried about clotting, etc.

Hang in there Kiddo! I just has to get better.
Hello Niki,

When you go in for a Lab Draw, ask the technician to use the Smallest Needle possible. Better yet, ask them if they can use a BUTTERFLY which is more like a mosquito bite vs a bee sting. Some labs are reluctant to use the Butterfly because it takes longer to draw the needed volume and costs more (BIG flag!).

Some labs are reluctant to use the Butterfly because it takes longer to draw the needed volume and costs more (BIG flag!).
Can someone with insider info explain this to me? Why is a Butterfly more expensive then a 22 Gauge needle and cover? I swear I'm about ready to have my physician write me a prescription for them and buy the darn things myself.


Just saw on CBS Morning show where there is a new pill coming out..Barr..named Seasonale..You will only have a period every 4 months...Should be ready by late Fall...Ask your doctor...Maybe on CBS..website today. Will check for you. Bonnie


Found the article on CBS.News.Com.....The Early Show..find and click at top..right hand corner. type Seasonale..go