At approximately noon today, my surgeon's office left a message for me to call them back. Fearing something was wrong with my bloodwork, I called them back nearly immediately, to be told they have an emergency, and as a result they are pushing my surgery back to NEXT Thursday, May 19th.
I am so angry and emotional and upset, you would not believe it. Of course, I feel bad for the emergency, but I don't understand why I must wait an entire week. How about Friday? Or Monday? If this is such an emergency, shouldn't surgery take place immediately, like today? Apparently for my surgery, the OR is only available for adult CHD surgery once a week (on Thursdays, obviously) but I think that is ridiculous, and if you have to push me back, you should find another time and space for me.
What makes this doubly awful is that I've already been rescheduled once, way back in March. The secretary actually told me I was lucky that the OR was available next week, otherwise I'd have to wait till July. Yea, if I had to wait to July, I wouldn't be able to get this surgery for another year at least. I took off 6 weeks of work, I actually just got a brand new job and have been telling my new boss I'd be back sooner than the 6 weeks if at all possible, my mother took off some time to stay with me, SO much has been scheduled around this. I'm so pissed.
And of course, I just needed this over. I cannot be doing nothing for a whole week - all I've been doing is thinking and focusing on this and it's so bad, but that's what happens when you have nothing else to do. I'm debating going and staying with my boyfriend for a few days, but even there I'll have nothing to do while he's working except THINK. God, this is awful.
I am so angry and emotional and upset, you would not believe it. Of course, I feel bad for the emergency, but I don't understand why I must wait an entire week. How about Friday? Or Monday? If this is such an emergency, shouldn't surgery take place immediately, like today? Apparently for my surgery, the OR is only available for adult CHD surgery once a week (on Thursdays, obviously) but I think that is ridiculous, and if you have to push me back, you should find another time and space for me.
What makes this doubly awful is that I've already been rescheduled once, way back in March. The secretary actually told me I was lucky that the OR was available next week, otherwise I'd have to wait till July. Yea, if I had to wait to July, I wouldn't be able to get this surgery for another year at least. I took off 6 weeks of work, I actually just got a brand new job and have been telling my new boss I'd be back sooner than the 6 weeks if at all possible, my mother took off some time to stay with me, SO much has been scheduled around this. I'm so pissed.
And of course, I just needed this over. I cannot be doing nothing for a whole week - all I've been doing is thinking and focusing on this and it's so bad, but that's what happens when you have nothing else to do. I'm debating going and staying with my boyfriend for a few days, but even there I'll have nothing to do while he's working except THINK. God, this is awful.