Some good stories so far!
Yup, us women don't embarrass easily once we have given birth and had OHS....hmmm I will have to think further back....
Ok, here's one: I was in my early twenties, living in my first apartment.
It was very basic, first floor, with a balcony, in a block of several buildings all jammed together.
In summertime, you can swelter in those boxy buildings and the only thing to do is shower often.
So, my boyfriend decides to go to the store and I jump in the shower, taking my time, enjoying every second, until I hear voices talking. I grab a towel and peak out the bathroom door, great, my BF never went to the store, he saw a friend and invited him over. Whatever.
So I wave "hello" and plan my escape to the bedroom to get dressed.
No such luck.
The boys are now following me down the hall, and like young school boys, are making comments and tugging on the towel that I am clutching desperately in order to stay covered. The more I scream at them, the more they tug on my towel. Duh.
Suddenly I am being carried across the apartment....what the hell are they doing?
The "friend" opens the door to the balcony and says "let's put her on the balcony".
Ha Ha, very funny. Put me down NOW!
Somehow they see this as encouragement and I am dumped, nekkid, on the balcony.
I am screaming and banging on the glass door with one fist while the other hand tries to cover whatever body parts it can.
Oops, screaming has only attracted neighbours to their windows and parking lots.
Why, oh why, didn't I have a top floor apartment....stupid,sensible, me took one on a first floor in case of a fire.
Hey, I could use a fireman right about now.
A big strong gorgeous muscular fireman to take me away from my soon to be "EX" boyfriend.
Anyway, when all else fails, curl up into a fetal position and cry. It works every time!