Your Most Embarrassing Story????

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Chillin, just chillin....
Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2005
South Carolina
Several recent threads have made look back and laugh at myself...though embarrassing at the time, one or two make me LOL......What about you?...Anything that you would like to share.....I think that laughing at ourselves is good medicine and may help those facing procedures they are embarrassed or fearful about:D
Ok....I ain't skeerd:p

Here is my funny urologist story?..when I started peeing blood the day I was to leave the hospital they did a echo on my kidneys?all clear but they were still concerned?so off to the urologist?.they did dye pictures of the kidneys?.all clear?next step was a scope up Mr.. Wiggly to check the bladder??.:eek:

I was led to the exam room and told by the nurse to take off my pants and drawers and to cover myself with the provided sheet?..The next thing I knew in walks the YOUNG nurse with a trainee in tow?she had a tray which was covered by a towel?..she removed the towel and there was a LARGE :eek:syringe and a few other implements of fear and embarrassment?..the syringe had what appeared to be a plastic needle on it?.she explained that the syringe contained a numbing agent and that she was going to insert the plastic needle up Mr Wiggly to numb me for the scope exam and that after injecting the numbing agent she was going to clamp off Mr. Wiggly:eek: so it would not ooze out?.all the time this young nurse:eek: and younger female trainee:eek: were intent on their task?.after fifteen minutes or so of sitting there with Mr. Wiggly clamped off the doctor came in and scoped me?.no pain and no cancer or cyst?..figured it might have been the heparin? that:rolleyes:
I couldn't possibly top The Chimp's story. :D But when I was having my cath, two very young female nurses were in charge of putting the tube in the groin area and supervising operations there. Of course I had to be uncovered there, but they kept telling me over and over and over that they "weren't looking" (at what they didn't say, but I assumed they were talking about Mr. Wiggly). I felt like saying, "Well, why not?" :rolleyes:
Thanks for that ''giggle'' Tom.... Thomas has his appointment today so my stress levels have been up (even more than usual) these last couple of days. Your post was just what I needed to start of what should be an 'eventful' and 'long awaited' day.

Cant think of an embarrassing story right now....mabey later !!!!!!!!!

Thanks in general for you crack me up :cool:
Not that I was embarrassed by this because I don't embarrass all that easily but.....when I was in ICU my oldest son Steven (23) was one of the first to greet me when I woke up. He told me that I got very lucky because I had a very attractive nurse taking care of me. I was all kinds of doped up but when she did come over to me my first words to her were "Holy son was right you are hot !". I also asked for a sponge bath at least twice right after that. Not sure of those specifics but I do remember asking, and I also remember my wife just stood there and shook her head. She knew within 10 minutes of me waking up that I was probably gonna be just fine :)
Not that I was embarrassed by this because I don't embarrass all that easily but.....when I was in ICU my oldest son Steven (23) was one of the first to greet me when I woke up. He told me that I got very lucky because I had a very attractive nurse taking care of me. I was all kinds of doped up but when she did come over to me my first words to her were "Holy son was right you are hot !". I also asked for a sponge bath at least twice right after that. Not sure of those specifics but I do remember asking, and I also remember my wife just stood there and shook her head. She knew within 10 minutes of me waking up that I was probably gonna be just fine :)

I have a friend (nurse) that has worked in recovery/ICU....she said she has heard the funniest drug induced things.....I was concerned that I said something inappropriate....DW said she would not have been surprised if I had made a pass.....when I woke up I was tied down and pissed.....I used a few adjectives that I would not normally use:eek::rolleyes:
Prior to my first catheterisation, some 20 years ago, the ward Sister telling me it was via the groin, ordered a full pubic shave.

The aged hospital barber soon shuffled to my bedside. He was cross eyed and used a cuthroat razor. :eek::eek::eek: I kid you not. How would you feel having your lathered wedding tackle flicked about by a cross eyed cuthroat wielding pensioner.
It wasn't helped by his black humour 'Don't flinch, you've got two of those; can't you spare just one' :D

Ordeal over and plucked chicken lookalike intact, the junior Doc arrived for obligatory info and consent.

'So Mr Applegate, you all prepared?' ....
'Yes I've been shaved by the cross eyed barber' .....
'Shaved??' .....
'Yes pubic shaved'....
Doc collapses in mirth 'Mr Applegate in your case the point of entry is via your arm'

:eek::eek::eek: :D:D
A substitute for terms/term that may have made the Chimp appear crass or have him banished:p're up Karlynn:rolleyes:

The "you're up" was the punch line I was expecting from your story, Chimp!:p
I thought Mr. Wiggly was going to turn into the "man of steel" or something!

Thank goodness I have no embarassing stories to tell!:rolleyes::p:p
Well, I can only think of one this morning and it's doesn't have to do with Mr. Wiggly (directly). I don't embarass easily. After having 2 babies and a valve replacement, I'll pretty much strip down for the mailman without a second thought if that's what I need to get my mail. :D

When Glenn and I were dating we went to a wedding with my family. It was at a very posh country club, so I dressed myself up pretty good in a strapless dress. Just before we were going to leave I went to the bathroom and told Glenn I'd meet him at the door. I came out and looked at the door - he wasn't there. So I looked around and saw him at the edge of the dance floor, standing watching the dancers. I walked up to him, grabbed his hand and said "Hey sexy - let's get out of here!" (in my most seductive voice) and started to lead him away. That's when I heard a strange voice say "Okay! And where is it you want to go?" It wasn't Glenn! It wasn't anyone I knew at all. But he did have on a navy blue suit, like Glenn, and blonde hair, like Glenn. I was horrified. I just said "I thought you were my boyfriend, I'm sorry!" and the guy says "I'd be happy to be your boyfriend." and keeps ahold of my hand and starts walking away again. I'm sure he got a huge laugh out of that.
Some good stories so far!
Yup, us women don't embarrass easily once we have given birth and had OHS....hmmm I will have to think further back....

Ok, here's one: I was in my early twenties, living in my first apartment.
It was very basic, first floor, with a balcony, in a block of several buildings all jammed together.

In summertime, you can swelter in those boxy buildings and the only thing to do is shower often.
So, my boyfriend decides to go to the store and I jump in the shower, taking my time, enjoying every second, until I hear voices talking. I grab a towel and peak out the bathroom door, great, my BF never went to the store, he saw a friend and invited him over. Whatever.
So I wave "hello" and plan my escape to the bedroom to get dressed.
No such luck.
The boys are now following me down the hall, and like young school boys, are making comments and tugging on the towel that I am clutching desperately in order to stay covered. The more I scream at them, the more they tug on my towel. Duh.

Suddenly I am being carried across the apartment....what the hell are they doing?

The "friend" opens the door to the balcony and says "let's put her on the balcony".
Ha Ha, very funny. Put me down NOW!
Somehow they see this as encouragement and I am dumped, nekkid, on the balcony.

I am screaming and banging on the glass door with one fist while the other hand tries to cover whatever body parts it can.
Oops, screaming has only attracted neighbours to their windows and parking lots.
Why, oh why, didn't I have a top floor apartment....stupid,sensible, me took one on a first floor in case of a fire.
Hey, I could use a fireman right about now.
A big strong gorgeous muscular fireman to take me away from my soon to be "EX" boyfriend.

Anyway, when all else fails, curl up into a fetal position and cry. It works every time!
This embrassing moment happened to my younger brother but I there to witness it. When I was about 13, my family and two brothers where on vacation in California. My parents decided to chance it with 3 boys and take us to a really nice restaurant in San Francisco.

I went to the restroom with my brothers. My younger brother opened a stall and right before our eyes on the floor was a huge lincoln log. We stood there in disbelief. We did not know what to do. All of sudden, this man walks in, sees us standing next to the log and yells at my brother "What did you do?" We explained he did not do it. We came out the restroom laughing our heads off. Our parents of course wanted to know what in the world we were laughing about coming out a restroom. In hind sight we could have blamed it on him :D:D:D.

I have another story but I am afraid that the story alone would make any male never go to the hospital when needed because of it.
It happened to me :mad:.


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