You might be Canadian:

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Well-known member
Nov 3, 2003
if your local Dairy Queen is closed from September 'til May

if "vacation" means going anywhere south of the US border

if you can drive 80 km/h through two feet of snow during a raging blizzard without flinching

if you design your kid's Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit

if you think the four seasons are Almost Winter, Winter, Still Winter and Road Construction

if local weather is 10 months of winter and 8 weeks of poor sledding

if you have more miles on your snowmobile than on your car

and finally

if you gather your food by drilling through 36 inches of ice and sitting there all day hoping it will swim by

If you understand all this you are definitely a Canadian

I won't say anything about CABG while awake.

Sent this one on to my daughter. She almost went to college at McGill. She's in Michigan now, and complains about how cold it it.
lance said:
if your local Dairy Queen is closed from September 'til May

if "vacation" means going anywhere south of the US border

if you can drive 80 km/h through two feet of snow during a raging blizzard without flinching

if you design your kid's Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit

if you think the four seasons are Almost Winter, Winter, Still Winter and Road Construction

if local weather is 10 months of winter and 8 weeks of poor sledding

if you have more miles on your snowmobile than on your car

and finally

if you gather your food by drilling through 36 inches of ice and sitting there all day hoping it will swim by

If you understand all this you are definitely a Canadian

I won't say anything about CABG while awake.


I attended two years of college in Minnesota, and what you posted sounds exactly like what I remember.
Snow- covered ground from October-April really was a drag!;) ;)
Mary said:
I attended two years of college in Minnesota, and what you posted sounds exactly like what I remember.
Snow- covered ground from October-April really was a drag!;) ;)

Northern Minnesota definately has constant snow in the winter...past few winters have had hardly any snow in southern MN though. Heck, this winter I don't think it's gotten below 0 once, and that's unusual, trust me. I think I've seen this exact same joke but it was titled: You might be Minnesotan if....