You can pick your friends

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Perhaps we should run this by Al Lodwick first - in case boogers have a high Vitamin K content! ;)


....and I thought it was the flu shots that kept me so disease free!
Hey Karlynn,
Interesting article.:p I wonder who will be the first to try it and let us know if it works:D

Take Care

At least one of my special needs students has that problem each year! I have always encouraged them to stop, because they make other people ill (as in nauseated) when they do that. Really, I prefer when they eat it because I don't want to find the results on their spelling papers or on the table. I guess I'll have to rethink my position. NOT!
I've always heard it said:

You can pick your friends
You can pick your nose
But you can't pick your friends nose. LOL :D :D :D
Dunno which is better, the shot or the snot....


Gotta 4 year old son who does that and we're trying to discourage it...

This isn't helping matters, glad he can't read all that well yet.

He'd be using the article in his own defense!

"But daddy! The doctor says it's good for me!!!"

I suspect the doctor who wrote that article does not have a mother or grandmother living, or else he would be standing in the corner, probably for about a year.
What one does in the privacy of one's own...........but I think I'd rather not watch so if you want to, do it over on your side of the room with your face turned to the wall and not over here!

Fingers often DO work better in many situations.

Wonder if this is going to be in new baby books?

Wonder how this ever came up with this doctor in the first place and what prompted his 'research' - or is it his personal opinion?
That's DISGUSTING! I think I'll pass on that one, whether it's good for the immune system or not! Yuck! Can you imagine in a another 10-20 years everyone is doing that because it's safer than getting a shot! :D Hopefully not in my life time!

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