You all probably knew this.

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Well-known member
May 3, 2009
Ok, its been about 2 and a half month since my valve replacement and I'm doing fine.

Went for a follow up echo and ask the tech if she see could see the sutures.
She said no and I just assumed they were dissolving.

I saw the my cardio doc a week later and mentioned it to him. And he said yes they wouldn't see them as the resolution wasn't that good. I said you mean they are still there. He said yes. And they will be there until whatever.

Like I said you all probably knew this but it was a surprise to me. I just hope I don't pull a stitch. =;-).
Didnt know that.... Sounds like your having a good recovery so far. Hope all contiues to go your way.
I'm almost 6 weeks from the same surgery with the same surgeon and also doing great. What they say about Dr. S must be true :).

I did assume that the stitches dissolve. In fact when I saw the cardio (Dr. Stewart) at 3 weeks, he noticed part of a suture sticking out at the bottom of my incision and told me I might have to clip it with a nail clipper (sterile of course) since it would not dissolve outside of the body. The way he talked the rest of them were dissolved by that point.

Now I did see my chest x ray and saw the nice row of chest wires down thew front of my sternum holding me together forever as I understand. I told my kids that it looks like I'm held together with twist ties :).

I'm glad you're doing well. I remember your post calming me since you had just had surgery with Dr. Svensson.

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