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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
I just had two teeth repaired 3 weeks ago. One that was repaired, the filling just fell out, another tooth lost a huge filling on the opposite side and now, I kid you not, HALF of one of the lower teeth, I call my steak tooth, just broke in half. I'm holding the top 1/2 of the crown in my hand.

I'm getting paranoid now. I need dentures cause at this rate, I am not going to be able to afford fixing them. Problem is, I don' t know how I'm going to afford dentures either. Anyone else face this crap?
Ross said:
I just had two teeth repaired 3 weeks ago. One that was repaired, the filling just fell out, another tooth lost a huge filling on the opposite side and now, I kid you not, HALF of one of the lower teeth, I call my steak tooth, just broke in half. I'm holding the top 1/2 of the crown in my hand.

I'm getting paranoid now. I need dentures cause at this rate, I am not going to be able to afford fixing them. Problem is, I don' t know how I'm going to afford dentures either. Anyone else face this crap?

I am fortunate to have ?so so? dental insurance. They pay 50% of caps and crowns. I have had problems in the past. In a four month period popcorn cost me $1200 out of pocket. I don?t eat popcorn anymore. I feel your pain, good luck.
Sorry to read this, Ross

Sorry to read this, Ross

My husband was sorry he ate what turned into a very expensive bag of cornnuts last year...:eek:
I have the same problems. I've had two teeth pulled in the last six months and lost a bridge because of it in addition I broke a crown in half about a month ago. I go to the dentist every six months and have for several years. I too consider dentures. I have no dental insurance so all is out of pocket.

I have several teeth missing on the bottom right side where I lost the bridge as well as a tooth. My dentist suggested dental implants. I can not afford several thousand dollars for implants not to mention I don't know which tooth/teeth will go next.

So I don't have an answer for you but I do feel your pain.:D
I have a very hard bite, and also have a habit of grinding my teeth, even in my sleep, so have had several teeth break and repaired with crowns. Luckily both my wife and I had dental insurance at work that each paid for half. In hindsight, I wish I took up dentistry. ;)
That sounds like one of my dreams! I have teeth-falling-apart dreams periodically. It's supposed to be a sign that you feel insecure.

Apparently - you are truly insecure because it happened for real.


Dental Insurance is expensive..for years, Hubby/I had the $1,500 each per year..that can be wiped out in a few months..cleaning, ect...One of the worse costs..that we have had over the years..Hubby just had all his top teeth pulled this year with dentures. Not worth a *&^%*..and it cost us about...out of pocket..about $3,000..:eek: he spends about 30 minutes each morning putting on the Fixodent..they will last thru the day..but many nights..they come so lose..puts them on the nightstand.:eek: ...And his dentist is one of the top in our county.......so better to just try to repair what you have left........Bonnie
My brothers and sisters and I had what they call "soft teeth." My surviving siblings have false teeth, the kind that come out at night.

I started early in life, 15, with root canals and caps. Now, I still have all of my teeth, but only 4 that are not capped...and one looks like it may be in trouble. My first cap and root canal cost me $67.00. The last cap I had 2 years ago cost $847.00. Neither Al nor I have had dental insurance since we turned 65.

Just another view..

Just another view..

rachel_howell said:
Some individuals who have a special interest in bicuspid disease feel that these kinds of unusual dental problems may be part of the connective tissue syndrome associated with BAV. I don't know of any research that confirms the association, but there are anecdotal reports of bad teeth being a frequent comorbidity, as well as eye problems (also true for me) and kidney cysts (ditto).

Hate to be a killjoy here, but with BAV I have exactly one cavity in my head and all my natural teeth with exception of 4 wisdom teeth. I have passed my vision driving test all my life (and I'm old) without corrective lenses and don't have kidney cysts that I know of. Now gallbladder -- that's a different question..:(

I credit this to good genes - as my dentist reminds me often - and growing up on the ranch and living on ranches all my life with well water and no chemicals. Course now that I have moved to town and city life as of four years ago...:D I just may join y'all..!!:eek:

If you want to know how dangerous a broken tooth can be just ask Hank...!!!
I broke my tooth on popcorn, lucky for me it is out of sight and doesn't cause me any pain(yet).Hope you get it sorted out soon, i hate going to the dentist:eek:
This sounds like when you take your car to the shop to get something little fixed, and as soon as you bring it home, 2 or 3 really big things break! I always think that the mechanics are sabotaging the car - poking holes, loosening bolts, etc. Is it possible to do this in your mouth without you knowing about it? Were you asleep while they were fixing the other teeth?
Ross, I'm sorry to hear about your dental problems. I feel your pain too as my husband has had a time with his teeth too, with them chipping away on him. The dentist seems to think that the radiation he had 12 years ago contributed to his saliva changing in acidity and attacking his teeth. (He actually tood a sample of his saliva and found the theory to be true.) Luckily, we have so/so insurance and a fantastic dentist. He did some creative filling and bonding buying us a little time until he has to have false teeth or implants someday.

Oh, and despite what Janie said in her post, she is not "old". Anyone who has met this cool gal would think she is much younger than she really is. You go, girl. :) :)
I have a very expensive mouth. Had caps on most, then had uppers, then relined them (Bonnie, get John to do it), then had a bridge in 4 fronts in bottom. The rest on bottom are still caps and I am hangin tough on those. Wish I had all the $ spent on my teeth - I could buy a new car.
Ross.....Does Ohio Have A State Dental School?

Ross.....Does Ohio Have A State Dental School?

Ross said:
I just had two teeth repaired 3 weeks ago. One that was repaired, the filling just fell out, another tooth lost a huge filling on the opposite side and now, I kid you not, HALF of one of the lower teeth, I call my steak tooth, just broke in half. I'm holding the top 1/2 of the crown in my hand.

I'm getting paranoid now. I need dentures cause at this rate, I am not going to be able to afford fixing them. Problem is, I don' t know how I'm going to afford dentures either. Anyone else face this crap?

I am wondering if Ohio has a State Dental School that does dental work at a reduced rate on dentures and other procedures. NH has one and I know that all people pay for dentures is 225 (which is alot less than the 2-4 Thousand that most places are now getting for dentures. I hope this might help you...Harrybaby:eek: :eek: :eek:
Oh Ross..I feel your pain..Literally!
Last sunday while flossing..I lost my crown and the post/buildup and most of the tooth were in the crown:eek:
Needless to say..the dentist could not save the tooth:( and I had an emergency extraction!
Seems it is always something breaking, failing, or shuting down!
Oh Rossman...I feel your pain too :( ...and I am a Dental-phobic...I would rather eat a packet of painkillers than go to the Dentist...
I only have 21 teeth remaining and most of them have had root canals (YUUKKKK, even those words scare me and evoke horrid memories). Once a dentist broke my tooth in half trying to extract it oneday which totally finished me as far as Dentists go. That tooth then had to be cut out by a Dental Surgeon. Nowadays I have IV sedation and get put to sleep for all dental work. I agree with Rachel on the BAV and poor teeth theory. Luckily our boys inherited their Dads strong white teeth.
Ross said:
I just had two teeth repaired 3 weeks ago. One that was repaired, the filling just fell out, another tooth lost a huge filling on the opposite side and now, I kid you not, HALF of one of the lower teeth, I call my steak tooth, just broke in half. I'm holding the top 1/2 of the crown in my hand.

I'm getting paranoid now. I need dentures cause at this rate, I am not going to be able to afford fixing them. Problem is, I don' t know how I'm going to afford dentures either. Anyone else face this crap?

Sorry about the dental stuff! You might want to check if there is a dental school or specialty clinic that does the affordable dental work. There used to be one in Kinston, NC across the highway from a business we owned. People would go there one day and have all the prep work done and then were put up at a nice Inn for the night and then were brought back the next AM for the remainder of the work. There is also a dental school in our RTP area that sees patients at a very reduced rate. I really hate having dental work done and feel for you on this one!
Karlynn said:
That sounds like one of my dreams! I have teeth-falling-apart dreams periodically. It's supposed to be a sign that you feel insecure.

Apparently - you are truly insecure because it happened for real.
Hon are you suggesting that I shouldn't be insecure? That has been my life since 1991. I don't know any other way now.
ShezaGirlie said:
living on ranches all my life with well water and no chemicals.
I have well water that you cannot pay me to drink. It pumps up sulfur so thick that if I could find a way, I could make matches with the stuff. Once upon a time, it was good water, then the builders came to the neighborhood.......