X rays After ?? Avr?

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Nancy jane

Reading adams book and noting he had x ray last 3 days in hospital. I go in. 2-9. & curious if this standard procedure ? Or preference by surgeon ?
My valve replacement I had at least 4 or 5 chest x-rays during my stay.
It is very common for one day after surgery. They bring portable unit to the bedside.
Mass General you have chest x-ray before you go home and then others for specific reasons that may apply to you or not.
I had some pulmonary issues after my surgery; therefore had many chest x-rays (probably 9 in total). I also ended up with a CT angiogram on the last day to rule out a pulmonary embolism.
I had a fair number of x-rays while in the hospital. It was pretty interesting to see them bring the portable machine into the room, since I had only seen the permanently installed machines before. I also had x-rays taken at my general practitioner in the followup appointment two weeks or so after I came home. I took those to the surgeon at my four week appointment, when I was cleared to go back to work.
I forgot my PCP took another chest x-ray when I saw her about 4 weeks post op. I had no specific symptoms that were worrisome but I think she was being cautious in her care. All my doctors were especially attentive in those post op weeks and surely that made a difference in my bump free good recovery.
Portable machine ? You are lucky. A guy wheeled me downstairs in the hospital somewhere. Looks like a morgue.

I had a fair number of x-rays while in the hospital. It was pretty interesting to see them bring the portable machine into the room, since I had only seen the permanently installed machines before. I also had x-rays taken at my general practitioner in the followup appointment two weeks or so after I came home. I took those to the surgeon at my four week appointment, when I was cleared to go back to work.