Wow, Now this was a treat!

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
I was just out making coffee, when something caught the corner of my field of vision. I looked out the window to see what it was and caught the tail end of what I first thought was a large dog. I kept looking because it was a 'funny' looking dog. She turned around and came back through my bushes and stood there for a moment. The very first Deer I've seen in my entire life in my own yard! I've seen Deer before, but not in MY YARD! A young Doe. Frightened because of all the traffic going up and down the road and just nervous as heck. I didn't bother to open the door and look. She was already on to the fact I was watching her from the window and didn't want her to bolt out into traffic. Still can't believe it.

I know for alot of you, this is an everyday thing. Where I am, it's so built up now that there is little room for rabbits, much less Deer. It was very exciting for me!
It is great isn't it when you get such an unexpected treat. I think one of my favorite Christmas presents was one Christmas morning I sat down to have my coffee and right outside my window were three bluebirds fluffing up their feathers and pruning themselves. The sun was shining on them making them almost irridescent. I truly felt like I had received a wonderful gift.
That is cool, but it sounds like its in danger too,hope it makes it home safely.
Here in my yard, no deer have been seen, coyote have been heard, and a bear seen once, lol one birthday of mine....we stayed at home , rented movies and just planned a quiet day right? Well my outside dog(now deceased :( ) would not stop barking, I kept looking to see what had her in such a rile, couldnt see anything. In a few moments I saw a large black body by my dining room window?? Im thinking Ladys not that tall??So I theres a BULL in my yard.. horns and, Lady is cowering on porch, so I get her in house and call the sheriff's scream 'theres a cow in my yard'! And it charged both me and the pulled gun and said he will eat it! It ran back to field behind us it was hilarious!
Ross said:
I was just out making coffee, when something caught the corner of my field of vision. I looked out the window to see what it was and caught the tail end of what I first thought was a large dog. I kept looking because it was a 'funny' looking dog. She turned around and came back through my bushes and stood there for a moment. The very first Deer I've seen in my entire life in my own yard! I've seen Deer before, but not in MY YARD! A young Doe. Frightened because of all the traffic going up and down the road and just nervous as heck. I didn't bother to open the door and look. She was already on to the fact I was watching her from the window and didn't want her to bolt out into traffic. Still can't believe it.

I know for alot of you, this is an everyday thing. Where I am, it's so built up now that there is little room for rabbits, much less Deer. It was very exciting for me!

Ross, here in Frankfort I've seen a lot of deer, but never in my yard. I'd get just as excited about it. My mom and step-dad have a farm and they see deer close to their yard a lot. I can imagine your surprise in such a built up area! We live in a somewhat rural subdivision where all the streets are named after, guess what we see a lot of here...ducks...go figure. As for rabbits, I rarely see them here, but I twice found dead newborn rabbits in my back yard.
The morning I look out and see a Bear, I'll have seen it all. Just wish I could have shared that moment with the others in the house or even taken a picture, but it was just a momentary thing.
Very cool, Ross.

First KimC with the heron. Now you with the deer. Signs that something is right with your worlds.


I think you need to move to the mountains of Colorado where wildlife is all around. We have deer, elk, fox, and coyotes, and just last summer there was a bear and her two cubs outside my window. I was sitting here working at my desk and saw a big "dog" that I had never seen around before, on our back patio - it turned around and it most certainly was not a dog but a bear!! I ran to the window and saw the two cubs following their mama. One of the cubs came up to the window to get a better look at me.

My neighbor saw them at the same time I did - he ran in to get his camera - by the time we were both brave enough to go outside, the mama bear and cubs had disappeared. They had been seen all over town raiding garbage cans, etc., and I think they were relocated back out to the wild. At least I hope that is what happened to them. :(

We have to fence in anything that we want to grow up here in Estes Park, CO, because the deer and elk will eat anything/everything in sight. I have a small fenced-in flower garden area. Otherwise, I am like Pam, I will not fence in our entire yard, as I love seeing the wildlife so close-up.

We just learn to live with critters up here, all kinds. ;)

Christina L.
lions and tigers and bears, oh my!!

lions and tigers and bears, oh my!!

What a sight, Ross. Don't you love the instinct that silently told you to turn and look!!

Just after I'd gotten my digital camera last year, my 80 year old mother was visiting. We live above a greenspace and Oregon is still pretty wild, everywhere. We have deer sometimes, mostly, though, amazing birds flying through and above the tree canopy (lone herons, red-tailed hawks, jays of every kind, backyard birds of all kinds). On this particular morning, my husband had called me to make sure the sprinkler was off, or something. I grumbled and went out to the deck (which hangs over a path) My mom was inside having coffee. I looked down and saw this mother duck and her 12!! ducklings waddling down the path. I raced inside to get my camera, shooed the dog back in the house and called my mother out to the deck. It was such a lovely surprise!! I felt just as you did, Ross. So lucky to have been at the right place at the right time. :D

They were moving really fast!! so this is the best photo I could get!

How exciting Ross - I envy you lot in the states sometimes with all your wildlife. Most I get in my garden is a bit of old cat poop!


That is so cool!! We never see anything exciting like that here. The most exciting thing that I have seen in our backyard is a couple of kittens. My boys found them outside our fence a few weekends ago and played with them for about an hour. Then we didn't see them again until last weekend, they were there for a day. Not sure where they live but they don't seem like strays. They are well fed and not have any fleas or anything that I could see. It is wierd though how they only show up on Saturdays.
We've had foxes, turkeys, possums and right up the road, deer. Once Joe came running in the house with a small animal on his back, it turned out to be a baby flying squirrel, with the wide skin between its hands and feet.

There is a huge group of turkeys that live inside the airport fenced in area very nearby. Must be forty or fifty of them. They are magnificent when they fan out their tails.

Found an injured baby bat one day, it could only hop and not very well. I put some gloves on and got a flat shovel and let it hop on the shovel, and then lifted it onto a branch. It was a happy camper and hung upside down on the branch to recover.

I always have a small basket tied in a low tree for any baby birds that don't do too well with their first flying lessons. My cats just love to get them. So I scoop them up and put them in the basket in the tree and let the parents give another lesson.

We have chipmunks living under our deck, and Mr. Skunk comes along every once in a while, never saw him, just smell him.

And then there is the frog pond in the front yard. That's great fun in the spring at night. What a racket!

Nature is such fun.

I'm glad you had such a beautiful sighting, Ross.

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