I have read many of the posts on this site from people with tissue valves and others with mechanical valves and I cannot move off of first base. Maybe it's OCD on my part, who knows. Everybody says don't choose a valve based on tomorrow's technology/science, but then surgeons are also telling patients they can have their next valve replaced through a catheter. I hear from some patients that they want to have their first surgery be their last surgery so they go the mechanical route. I also hear the hope that the ON-X valve will be able to use aspirin only in a few years instead of Coumadin. There seems to be nothing that is nosing me in any direction and I am worried that I will not be able to decide and the surgeon will get pissed off leading to a stressful situation. The coumadin thing scares me trying to keep that delicate balance correct and all but the tissue valve makes me feel like a time bomb also. and then bacterial endocarditis can take both valves down in short order. Any of you been there before?