Worried about Thomas....8-/

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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2006
Kilkenny, Ireland.
Hi all, about 3 years ago Thomas passed out with a very fast hb. He has been taking a beta-blocker ever since. He will sometimes still get break through fast hr and chest pain. He is going on a holiday through several countries (france/austria and more) for 3 weeks by rail in august, so I arranged for him to have an echo done to see if his heart showed the same measurements etc. For my peace of mind really !! He is 19 years old.

Im not going to bombard you with numbers and stuff except for one which is his left ventricle.

Normal range for LVIDd (when the heart is full) ....... 3.5 - 6cm Thomas echo result is 5.8
Normal range for LVIDs (when the heart is empty).... 2.1 - 4cm Thomas echo result is 4.2

This is NOT caused by exercise. He is not sporty. Music is his life.

They said it ok just the high side of normal. Should I be worried about this. (I have a nagging worrying feeling in my gut about it.) 8-/
Hi all, about 3 years ago Thomas passed out with a very fast hb. He has been taking a beta-blocker ever since. He will sometimes still get break through fast hr and chest pain. He is going on a holiday through several countries (france/austria and more) for 3 weeks by rail in august, so I arranged for him to have an echo done to see if his heart showed the same measurements etc. For my peace of mind really !! He is 19 years old.

Im not going to bombard you with numbers and stuff except for one which is his left ventricle.

Normal range for LVIDd (when the heart is full) ....... 3.5 - 6cm Thomas echo result is 5.8
Normal range for LVIDs (when the heart is empty).... 2.1 - 4cm Thomas echo result is 4.2

This is NOT caused by exercise. He is not sporty. Music is his life.

They said it ok just the high side of normal. Should I be worried about this. (I have a nagging worrying feeling in my gut about it.) 8-/

My first thought was did Thomas have an echo before? I seem to think he did, but might be confused. IF he had an earlier echo, what were the measurments then? Have they increased or stayed the same? OH, very important and I hope I explain it so it is easy to understand (sometimes even "I" don't know what the heck I was trying to say when I reread something lol) since Thomas is just now 19, depending when his other echo/echos were he MAY have grown. IF so the numbers themselves might be bigger, but that doesn't mean definately it has gotten worse, just that he/his heart has grown and all the numbers are bigger.. When Justin was growing, comparing 1 number to another wasn't as important as is he stable, like if he is higher end of "normal" now, was he always? or did he used to be in the middle or lower end of "Normal" and it is increasing more than the rest of his heart. IF Thomas was at the high side of normal before, I would feel a little better as his mom
IF he didn't have a previous echo, its tougher, because honesty you pretty much have to wait until his next echo and see if he is the same or getting worse.
Hi Lyn, Thomas had an echo done when he was 15 and it was much the same as this one. The LVIDs has gone from 4 to 4.2 but the LVIDd is the same. He forgot to take his beta-blocker last night so his heart rate is 130bpm today ! I knew just by looking at him because he gets sweaty and sob. The problem is he isnt aware of it unless he gets chest pain with it. !!! He has to have a 12 lead ECG done on Wednesday, so Im hoping that will be ok.

Thank you for taking the time to reply Lyn, I appreciate it.
It would be nice if he could go on the trip.....I did a rail trip through Germany, Belgium, Holland and France when I was 25 years old. Really fun trip and not too strenuous. Maybe he could limit the amount of excess walking, and bring along a HR monitor watch?
Bina, probably the reason I am feeling so worried is that he IS going. We had a deal that he had to have an echo done before he bought his ticket and if things were the same as his last echo he could go. Well, it was and so he is, going that is. He bought his ticket from Dublin to Paris on the 4th August. The good thing is that he is going with his girlfriend so at least he wont be alone. But as for limiting anything, I wouldnt hold out much hope. He is in total denial that anything is going on and wont talk about it. Its a struggle just to get him to take his medication every day. I think the HR monitor is a good idea. Hmmmm might be able to get him to agree!!!
It's rough, but he does need to live his life (within reason). Some of those watches from Polar, etc are really quite good looking. I have the Mio watch. Oh, and talk to the GF, she could be your best help.
Good idea. Shes quite sensible....I think !!! She is older, 22, and just graduated as a zoologist. I will check out the HR watches.