Working out?

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Dec 16, 2010
Okay gym rats....

How soon after this surgery can you attempt to lift light weights and do gym type things?

I'm guessing at least 6 weeks for lifting (duh, they tell you not to lift) but I know you can go do cardio like walking immediately.

I want to get back to the gym (I took a 5 year break due to my severe leakage sidelining me) and do some lifting as soon as it is possible. I know I will have to ask the doc but I was just relying on some personal experience on this from you guys.

I've lost about 15 lbs and I want to extend the trend and really lifting is all that I like to do at a gym. Treadmill and bikes ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZz.....
Your cardiologist will probably refer you to cardiac rehab. It is like watching paint dry, and it is the best way for you to get back into being more active. Ask doc about weights. I would guess 6 weeks, maybe more. I didn't have a sternotomy, so I can't say, but you need that bone to heal before doing any upper-body work.
Kevin, my suggestion is to get into a cardiac rehab where you are monitored by health care professionals .......there you can set benchmarks to train by as it all is so individual good luck and enjoy the new life
Lifting? At LEAST 6 weeks....need to heal those bones! Cardio, around 6-8 weeks for running. As you said, walking almost immediately. Biking and running....get out of that gym and into the great outdoors! It is MUCH more fun! And, I invite over to of valvers there that lift, run, bike.
Lifting? At LEAST 6 weeks....need to heal those bones! Cardio, around 6-8 weeks for running. As you said, walking almost immediately. Biking and running....get out of that gym and into the great outdoors! It is MUCH more fun! And, I invite over to of valvers there that lift, run, bike.

I agree with Tom. I will add, that your body will let you know what it can do through aches, pains and tiredness.
Rehab was my Doctors first instruction. 1st 6 weeks no lifting heavier than a dinner plate. Then rehab. After rehab was given the OK to start in easy. Worked at it kind of easy for a few months.
I have gotten so I love going to the gym. Working out with the 20-30 year olds has inspired me to be stronger than ever before. Last week I met my goal of leg press of 1000#. Not bad of an old guy.

My cardio said "Meh" to cardiac rehab, kind of to my dismay. I guess given my age, 35, he assumed that I'd be on the go and back moving on my own?

I have been sort of walking (I worked a full day today which requires me to walk around quite a bit) and getting plenty of exercise. I went from 9 to 5 today and I am freaking beat.

I'll probably ask the cardio at my 10 day appointment next week.
Rehab was my Doctors first instruction. 1st 6 weeks no lifting heavier than a dinner plate. Then rehab. After rehab was given the OK to start in easy. Worked at it kind of easy for a few months.
I have gotten so I love going to the gym. Working out with the 20-30 year olds has inspired me to be stronger than ever before. Last week I met my goal of leg press of 1000#. Not bad of an old guy.


I could barely do 1000# when I was a gym nerd. That is freaking impressive. Don't blow a "gasket" so to speak.... I doubt I'll be throwing 10 plates a side any time soon. I'd like to get back to doing dumbells for most everything and doing it with good breathing and with good form. Back in my playing days I could bench 110 lb dumbells (one on each arm LOL) and had no issues. Doc saw my heart getting bigger and was like, maybe cut out the lifting. I showed him, I quit doing cardio too... eeeeek!
My cardio said "Meh" to cardiac rehab, kind of to my dismay. I guess given my age, 35, he assumed that I'd be on the go and back moving on my own?

That is odd as they usually favor it and it's a good idea, even if you only go for a short time, it will be good that you're monitored so that nothing is awry.
I recommend Rehab. They get you started the right way. They kept me from over doing it since I am a type A. LOL

I was doing 43 minutes of the hour doing cardio. My employer thought I was not doing well enough so I had to step it up to get back to work. About 90% of there work force could not do what I was doing. Rehab helped me set them straight.
Just wanted to add another vote for rehab. It was helpful to have them monitor your reactions to lifting. That way, when I started again on my own, I knew everything was OK. By the end, they put light weights in my program, and that gave me something to build off of. Great to hear you're excited to get back at it.
Cardiac rehab was okay. I could have gone 3 months, but I only went 1 month because I got bored. However--It was great for getting started. They want to make sure you are not having exersize enduced issues with your heart.

I had a mini-sternotomy and still it took me more than 12 weeks to feel comfortable with more than light weights. I could feel pain/aching after a workout until recently. You could probably work your lower body without too many issues, though.
I am no doctor, but you don't want to push it too soon. Your valve needs time to seat in before your test the strength of the sutures. Better to start off very light and go slow.