Wonderful get-well gift idea

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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Sep 23, 2003
near Fort Worth TX
My cousin's special-needs son, Josh, 22, had major surgery this morning. He was born with multiple birth defects (polycystic disease in his only kidney; bilateral cleft palate & harelip; hearing and visual defects; MVP; mentally challenges, etc.).

His surgery today was to correct a congenital underbite. Sounds pretty easy, but it's not in his case. Because of the MVP and defective kidney, any surgery is complicated. He failed his ECG last Thursday, forcing him to undergo an echo yesterday.

Donna called me when Josh was moved to a private room around noon. Some of the ministers from their church sat with Donna during the surgery and four of the youth came, too.
They brought a book of get-well wishes -- 100-plus pages -- signed by members of their church and the youth group. Donna was very touched by the get-well book.

Thought I'd pass along about the book. It's always nice to think of another way to convey get-well wishes.

Josh now faces a frustrating 6 weeks while his surgically broken and corrected jaws heal. I went through this in 1967, but was able to enjoy malts, melted ice cream, etc. Because of the cleft palate, he had to be tube-fed as an infant and didn't develop a sucking instinct, a not-uncommon problem. And he does NOT like ice cream! (That's hard to imagine!)

We're going to Houston in 2 weeks to visit my cousin & her son.
Josh will be in our prayers. I'm sure your visit in two weeks will be most welcomed by both Josh and his mother.
My, my, this poor young man has had to face so many challenges at his tender age. I just want to let you know that Josh, his mom & family are in my prayers.