With Dreams Like This, Who Needs Nightmares???

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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2005
SW Michigan
Last night I dreamt I was at the hospital to have my aneurysm checked. I was in an inpatient room already at our local hospital and the doctor (some doctor...not mine) came in and told me my aneurysm was now at 5.2cm so it's time to operate. I responded, "well, halleluia!" and felt completely relieved. My only concern was how I was going to be transported to the right hospital.

I have an annual physical appointment today, which will no doubt cover some related issues, so "it's" on my mind even more than usual I guess.:rolleyes:
I went as an outpatient for the catheterization, but I had made preparations ahead of time in case they let me stay in the hospital. I felt similarly relieved when they said they would keep me there until surgery three days later. There is a tremendous sense of relief that the surgery is going to be done, or has been done, and now you can get back to getting on with your life.
Good luck today, PJ. I hope they uncover good news!! Keep us posted.

I had a very weird dream last night, too. Is the moon full?? ;) Must be something!!

Let us know how it goes.
I expect to get a copy of my latest echo today too.