Wishing you all a fond adieu...

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Well, it's not without much thought that I am saying goodbye to you all. At the moment I've been feeling like my condition has been taking over my life and defining me, and I need some time out to find the "real" me again. I've also been getting too distracted from other things such as my studies which I really need to concentrate on. Financially I am also needing to generate some work, so today I launched my copywriting business - which of course is also going to eat up a large part of my spare time.

I plan to stop by from time to time to see how everyone is going, and to let you know what's been going on with me as well, but for now I need to break away. If anyone needs to get in touch, feel free to drop me an email at: [email protected]

Best wishes to you all,
Anna : )
Oh, Anna...............

Oh, Anna...............

You WILL be missed! You were one of the very first ones to welcome me to this group, and I cannot begin to express how comforting that was when I was in such a despaired state (Remember, I had just found out that Katie's valve repair was not holding up and scared to death!). Please do check in and let us know how you are doing. I wish you well in all of your new ventures and pray that your health continues to hold, if not get better. I still pray, too, that you get some answers that continue to evade you. You have our love and prayers. Sending many sad hugs. Janet :(
Thanks Janet. I don't need to tell you what a "family" we have here, and you will all be missed..... but not for TOO long, I hope. I just need some time away from "heart" stuff, more than anything else. At least now I know little Katie is OK I can take some time out!! :D

I also appreciate the support I have had from you through your difficult times, as well as that from everyone else here.

A : )
Anna, sometimes one of our beloved members needs a break. VR can be very time consuming, if allowed. You are such a favorite; we miss you when you are gone - people begin to ask "Where's Anna". They will again. But if you drop us a line every now and then, we won't worry.

We know you will be back eventually. Most everybody comes back - if only to read. It's a hard habit to break.

My very best wishes for a successful business. You sound like a go-getter; I am sure you will do well.

Anna, you will be missed. I have no doubt that Ross is probably pouting right now. Please do check in from time to time. Best wishes as you continue your studies and get your business going.
You may be gone for a while, but not forgotten. We'll be thinking of you, so please check in from time to time.

Have a good vacation from VR.com. And best wishes with yout studies.
I will miss you, please be careful out there. Good luck on the studies... ;) :)
I understand why you don't want to be defined by your health situation, and I realize your education and new job venture will take a significant amount of your available time.
But I will still miss your cheery posts and your wonderful signature line.
Best wishes until you pop back in.
Look after yourself...

Look after yourself...


You are the backbone of the "Australian branch" of VR.com so you will be sorely missed.

Hopefully things will swing your way and when your schedule / situation allows we will look forward to your continuing involvement.


Anna, you will be truly missed. You always offer such great insight and support. Take care of yourself, and I wish you well in all your endeavors. Come back and see us sometime. :) :)
Thanks for letting us know.

Thanks for letting us know.

Anna. It has been a true pleasure to get to know you through your posts and caring ways. You sound like you have a good plan and I very much wish you well on your journey. I hope you will venture back from time to time. This is such a great place when you really need what it has to offer, so don't be shy!!

Wishing the best to a lovely, gracious woman.

:D Marguerite

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