Wires are coming out!

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Bryan B

Well-known member
Jan 16, 2004
I'm tenatively scheduled to get my wires out October 5th. I hope and pray this will relieve my pain. This is kind of like the last thing they can do. They were orgininally going to refer me to a pain clinic, but decided to remove the wires first and see if that helps. I need some serious group vibes going on the 5th...I want to be "normal" again! (I know...some of you may think that's an impossibility :D) I'll rephrase...I want to be my old crazy self again. :eek:


(didn't want to gross anyone out with the real pics)
Say Bub.....AKA Bryan...LOL

Say Bub.....AKA Bryan...LOL

You have all the positive thoughts and prayers coming from this neck of the woods..Does this mean that you can't be "hot wired anymore??? :D :p :D
but seriously, I hope this works for you...I see a pain center myself, and they do the very best they can...just wanted to let you know in case you do go there...Take Care, Harrybaby666 :D :D :D

P. S. Ima Ruttinforya!!! LOL
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I still

I still

have my wires in... after a year.. they have never said they come out... ???
Nothing a fifth of Jack Daniels and a good set of wire cutters can't handle. No need for hospital this time. :D
Hi Yaps,

Normally the wires stay in, but I've been having a lot of pain...especially in my upper sternum. All tests have come back OK for the sternum itself, so it's either a cartilage problem or the wire(s) are irritating me. Either way, every time I exercise I experience moderate to severe pain and swelling near the top of my sternum. Here's to hoping it's the wires causing it, because I don't think they can do a "cartilagectomy".
Come on over Ross. Is the "Jack" used for pain control or to sterilize the wound? :D
Bryan B said:
Come on over Ross. Is the "Jack" used for pain control or to sterilize the wound? :D

Both, I would think!

Bryan, I'm sure pulling for you (well not the actual wires, but in good thoughts).

Sending positive vibes your way.
I got a new pair of needle-nose that I've been itchin' to try out on something.

Of course, maybe the fence-mending pliers would work better. You suppose they have a twist on the ends of those wires?

Bryan, I hope this takes away your (hopefully) pseudocostochondritic pain, and you don't have to deal with it anymore. You've had a busy enough year.

Best wishes,

I imagine the "dokter" might need a swig or two to steady the ole hands. :D


I had a good picture of the wires when they did the CT scan back in May. If I remember correctly they did have a twist on the end. :D
Please put some duct tape on your chest after the wires come out. I would hate for you innards to fall out :p :p :p Just kiddin..Really pray it works for you..that the pain will be gone. :) :) Bonnie
I sure hope this does it for you. I know this didn't end up to be the problem free recovery for which you hoped. Maybe the wires are the irritation. One good thing though, no one would be talking about removing your wires unless they were really sure the bone had healed well and I know that was a concern a while back. Best of results to you, Bryan.
HI Bryan,

Wishing you all the best. Having those wires removed has to be a cakewalk compared to surgery. I beleive MelissaM recently had hers removed? Hopefully so will be along with some words of wisdom.

Have never had too much of a problem with mine. Though, recently I have been feeling a *** here and there when stretching my arms out. Exercising or pulling the garden hose. It's been almost 6 years too!

Take care and keep us posted.
Thanks everyone. I'm not nervous about having it done, it's a same day surgery. And most of my scar is covered in chest hair so I'm not too concerned about the cosmetic affects. I've talked to Melissa and Bunny and they said it really helped relieve their pain. The only thing I'm worried about is if this doesn't fix the problem. Since I'm unemployed and looking for work I need to have the confidence to look my prospective employer in the eye and tell them I'm 100%. Right now I can't do that.
Either heart surgery makes us pain intolerant or I had a heckofa surgeon remove my wires. After surgery, I didn't take so much as an Advil for pain. Went in at 7:00 am, and was out eating breakfast with friends at 11:00 am - going NPO makes a girl hungry! :)

Of course, it could have been the 20 minutes spent haggling with the anesthesiologist (sp?) and surgeon prior to the procedure. . .on my wish list:

1) Use of a Propofol-based anesthesia
2) Anti-nausea medication injected into the line prior to waking
3) Sutures placed beneath the skin (sub-cu. .. something)
4) IV antibiotics prior to the procedure (bcause of endocarditis history)
5) Radiation and steriord therapy to prevent keloid from reappearing
6) Cute nurse bedside upon awakening

Membership has its priviledges. . . go in and ask for what you want. You've earned it! :D

Good luck, Brian!

Didn't you say you got immediate relief and better range of motion without the pain you were experiencing before?

And it wasn't Bunny, but Nicole from NY who I PM'd and she said she saw great improvement after the wires came out.

I think my surgeon said he was going to glue me back together just like he did the first time. I just want to be able to swing a golf club without being incapacitated for the next 3 days and do "normal" things like clean my apartment and take a walk without feeling like someone punched me in the chest afterwards. :eek: If this doesn't work...next stop...men in white coats and padded walls! :D
I'm sure all will go well.
After mine were removed, my sternum was quite stiff and somewhat sore for a few days. I didn't expect that, but it went away and now I have no more painful rubbing of those poking wires.
Bryan, your Aunt Glenda will be praying for you. Let's pray that this solves your pain problem. You've had enough.


I had mine removed 9 mos. after the surgery due to a few sore places. He took out the 3 bottom ones. . I was sore for a week or so aftewards. It was done on an outpatient basis. Couldn't wear a bra comfortably for a few weeks. Still having a little problem on one of the upper ones. Going to have him check this one out when I see him at the end of the month. I have seen the xrays and they do have a twist on the end of them. Good luck and I hope this solves your problem.

Good luck and I hope this solves your problem. Going wireless is all the rage right now, I believe - ;)

I say my chest x-ray and my wires are definitely twisted at the ends - just like the little ties you put on your veggie bags at the grocery store :p

Maybe they should use those nylon zip-ties like electricians and automotive technicians do- :D